Season of Mastery Mechanics For MC and Onyxia Kills SoD

ony has way too much health for 20 people like what

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Not really sure why y’all are so surprised. We got 20m MC with revamped Hydraxian Waterlords quests, rewards, and interactions. They told us well before that we’d get a secret boss and various difficulty levels.

Why would you think we’d just do Vanilla MC with all of that? Sunken Temple turned mundane bosses with almost no mechanics into something you’d see in TBC or Wrath. Did you really think we’d all be zerging down Shaz with his 2 mechanics?

Can I have your gold?!

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People really saw Kelris phase 1 and assumed that MC would be all tank and spanks?

Do you also enjoy eating your dinner out of a dirty diaper?

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We expected changes but not SoM which was hated by the vast majority.

Understand the difference.


You really expected no changes to the raids in a season where the whole point is changing the old game?


To be honest, if there would have been no change, I would have probably quit after 2 lockouts… I’ve done this content in 2019, why would I want to suffer through the same stuff again…whole reason I play SOD was the Scarlet Monastery and Karazhan Crypts hinted raids I still hope for #Copium

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Changes, yes, but not SoM copy and pasted.

It’s simple.

Those pictures were just pictures, not hints at content.

They already explained that.


SoM mechanics are literally just designed to force you to actually do the original mechanics (i.e. no skipping submerge on Rag because of overpowered DPS)

You’re just looking for reasons to complain if you don’t like them.


The whole FR nonsense and 1 shotting you is objectively stupid.


That’s not from SoM though. That’s exclusive to SoD’s hard modes.


I like how people think it’s lazy for them to do that and obviously completely think it’s a cut and paste job and completely disregard that they had to change the whole raid for 20 people instead of 40.

Tell me you have no clue how software development works without telling me you don’t know. If you have no clue on how a development cycle and sprints are working, please don’t try to judge them.

For a small t eam that has to deal with 4 versions of WOW at the same time, they are doing miracles, you should encourage Blizzard to put more resources in that team instead of blaming the actual team.

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Era bosses have no mechanics.

Adding mechanics should of been the play, copying som mechanics is lazy but at least it added something.

No shot people really think target dummy bosses are fun.


Yes, the same as 2019 Classic but with increase HP/DMG values to match our increase in power.

I don’t think anyone wants Classic+ to completely change old raids to be entirely different, rather add new raids and dungeons.

And it sucks not being able to skip mechanics because you can out dps or outgear it through reclears. It means the raid takes longer.

Even in retail raids you can often skip entire phases later in the tier by having better gear. (In Dragonflight you can skip Fyrakk’s last phase if you have enough DPS even on Heroic).

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It was a mistake to make 20 player raids. They shoulda just kept it at 10 man for everything. More cozy that way. 10 man MC night with the boys would have been cool.


Bro you’ve been D-Riding Blizzard in any thread made about mechanics.
Aggrend specifically talked about Difficulty as not being a priority.
And that this game should be casual friendly. It’s Vanilla era.
Most players play casually.
I know you feel special because you wanna seem “leet”. But Most people just want to have casual fun. Get over yourself.



That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.


lowering it from 40 man and you still think its 2019 classic lmaooooooooooooooooo

Turns out not everyone’s experience revolves around what boss mechanics they perform for very short periods of time during the games biggest social event (raiding) you should know by now that’s it’s social groups and communities that actually hold this game together. On top of all that, the SoM mechanics don’t manage to make mc any more enjoyable. They mostly serve to just make every fight more annoying or punish a whole raid for one person’s mistakes. It’s no wonder SoM flopped after seeing this myself.


Pvp is ruined by homogenization and runes, world pve is ruined by incursions, the only thing left is ‘raids’. So why would they release bland vanilla stuff, that’d make too much sense.

SoD is basically right were retail is.

Raids that are trying to hard to be ‘exciting’ content that they become tedious to players.

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