Season of Mastery Mechanics For MC and Onyxia Kills SoD

Really not a fan of reusing SoM mechanics for all of MC and Onyxia.

Though that SoD was going to be the Classic 2019 raids but have the HP and DMG buffed to match the increase in power.

This feels like a massive letdown and kinda kills my mood for the phase. Seriously debating whether or not to keep playing now.

Edit: My guild went from 2 full 20 man raids to 8 players still interested in raiding once we found it it’s SoM mechanics. GG Blizz you ruined SoD for me.

Edit 2: For those who will call me an doom and gloomer, look at my post history I’ve generally praised Blizz throughout SoD.


After the redo of BFD, Gnomer, and ST… why on Earth would you expect Vanilla MC?


Because those were revamps of dungeons to become raids. They weren’t already existing raids in Classic.

Alot of people were expecting it to just be HP/DMG buffed to compensate for the runes and the massive increase in power we have.

The devs making it 20 man raids didn’t worry me. But now that the guild ive been in since week 1 of SoD is dead, and how much I disliked the SoM changes I’m just going to stick with Retail now.


I mean they turned BFD, Gnomer, and ST into raids from dungeons. MC and Ony were already existing raids and they gave us NO warning about using SoM mechanics.


i think these seasons building up on each other was 100% to be expected.

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I don’t think the majority of players (if any) expected that, or for SoD to use SoM raids instead of Classic 2019.

you thought they’d let the SoM “improvements” (some were made better, some were made worse) would completely go to waste in a seasonal server, never to be seen again?

I expected heavy recycling. this is “classic+” afterall. So every time they changed something between 2019 and present, they as developers see that as the “Plus”.

players have imagination. but developers have to have goals. metrics. This many changes for each boss. This many tasks, in this timeline. That is the project.

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How silly…


Onyxia SoD should Deep Breath, Living Bomb, Flame Wall, and Burning Adrenaline

Your expectations were too great.

Anything else would have been better, copy pasting SoM raid is literally just so lazy, you extended phase 3…for this? LOL. As someone who play SoM why the hell did I get baited into the exact same thing it’s ridiculous.


SoM mechanics were awesome and not enough people got to experience them

I think it’s great


I absolutely hated them.

I think for most people the expectation was that the raids would stay the same mechanically as they are in Classic Era but with tweaks to HP/DMG because of how much stronger we are. While we get brand new raids and dungeons (DFC is actually very enjoyable I’d give it a 8/10).

I’m ok with adding a secret boss to the existing raids, or having a scale difficulty that increases the HP/DMG of bosses more while dropping the same loot but an extra piece (or 2 for Heat 3).

But having the raids be based off of SoM and not Classic 2019 is just disappointing. For Classic+ I don’t want the existing raids to have their mechanics changed, rather have new raids. It’s just sad and disapointing.

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That is not the issue.

The issue is us waiting 4 months, for them to release content that they made 3 years ago (SoM). What are we paying 15 dollars a month for? P4 is even lower effort than P3.


Exactly, well said.

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Because it’s Season of DISCOVERY. They aren’t GOING to tell you that’s the point.

if you can even do the raid, we wiped on geddon and ran back in and the entire instance of trash was respawned lmao.


You’re paying them $15/month for content that was made 20 years ago

you’re paying for retail.

extremely low effort “”“content”“” by a small team that doesn’t care, but hey, at least le heckin human male ret paladins are viable now11!!!