Season of Mastery Content Unlock at 3:00 p.m. PDT on Thursday, July 28

are the hardcore players even still a thing?

That died a looong time ago

Terry “griefed” them.
Oh and some of the pillars of that community discovered they could use WeakAuras to spoof the SoI buff after they died so they could feel better about themselves.

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Lots of servers met this criteria. They will be deleted in a less than a week.

Which servers are that? You have the knowledge I assume

Go read the list. I know for a fact that Heartseeker was doing quite well until around Black Temple, when they had their mass-exodus.

Others were doing fine too, until players decided that waiting more than 10 min to find a group was “unreasonable.”

Wow that’s crazy. It’s almost like very old servers aren’t meant for modern day players and also means that transfers ruin servers. Oh might I forget heartseeker was never a balanced server? The company that you pay every month cares about your community tho. Btw rdf lol

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What’s crazy is that several of the servers are shutting down, yet met your criteria for healthy.



A company that cares, amirite?

Hey guess what? That private server that I talked about just hit an ATH of 3000 players(probably 3x that of JG) right when they released a giant class changes patch.

You know the thing you guys said no one wants and why SOM died?
Everyone who was on JG probably went over there. lmfao
Classic “no changes no matter what” andys.

The validation you are desperately seeking is probably over there as well.

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If it wasn’t working and was bad and no one wanted changes, why would people play on it? Let alone more people than the OFFICIAL servers.

I didn’t say anything about class changes. Som was dead because noworld buffs. But if you make a server too loony, it’ll be popular for 2 months and then it’ll die.

People play pservers with weird radical changes. Guess how long they play for? It’s a tourist trap only. You can make changes, as soon as they become stupid tho it’s just a fad. I find it funny you simply state people are playing that server bc changes. Are you in the server discord?

ok. How many months do you want me to come back and tell you the population? 3?

Yes I am stating the changes because I believe this is NOW the most popular classic wow server.

Yes I am in the server.

Cool. It’s also the only option besides Everlook which hasn’t launched yet. I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve with this conversation, tbh. Som was dead because a myriad of reasons.

Pays subscription to promote private servers on official forums.

Get a life loser.

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The entire point of Classic is to release the game as it was back then (for the most part)

if you want new content, go play retail


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Not promoting. Telling blizzard they need more changes than summoning stones and making bosses more difficult. ps I still pay for the sub since i do play the game… since if I didn’t i could not post here…

classic is done and over with. it was years ago. SOM is not the classic servers.
Yeah and clearly almost no changes in SOM sure did a lot and everyone loved it since only like 500 people play it now… and it will only get smaller every season.

Also you cannot compare the 2. They are not remotely close.
the private server Adding a new area and race is not even on the same universe as retail.

Do I really need to bring up the OSRS example again? Weird that OSRS does way better than normal runescape.

I’m not sure why the classic people think most people enjoy doing the same exact content and same exact quests and same exact everything over and over 100 times and don’t want new stuff.

I remember before SOM I said there needs to be class changes and everyone downvoted and piled onto me for it. Nope warriors need to be the best class forever and ret need to be the worst and biggest joke class forever.

Irony at it’s finest from someone promoting a private server :crazy_face:

Mustn’t be that great of a private server if you’re still “playing”…

Or you’re just full of it, and promoting :roll_eyes: