Season of Mastery Content Unlock at 3:00 p.m. PDT on Thursday, July 28

my wow subscription ends on july 2nd. 2024.

yeah I paid for 2 years just to promote a server on one thread.

And I cannot play different games at once?

Again I think you are mistaken on lumping the Classic playerbase all into one, big #NoChanges group. One of the reasons I chose not to enter TBC/WOTLK progression realms is because their very nature disincentivizes the development of Classic+.


Riiiiiight :wink: :wink:


yup all made up.

gj trying to post a link

You’ll work it out one day :roll_eyes:

I actually agree but 
 my guild. My friends.
Still lending support in hope of some plus action for Era.


There’s a bug in the Discourse setup Blizz is using now for the forum and people without subs are able to post quite often.
That said - asking Blizz for changes carries a bit more weight if you are working within the system and not supporting IP theft. Different games doesn’t mean the same game stolen by so-called fans.


It was an example.
Also I give them money and bought the new expansion lol.
“so called fans”?
then tell me what they are? So you are saying you are only fans if you play the garbage SOM version or the classic era servers that have about 40-50 people on them at all times? LMFAO.

Tell that to blizzard for not letting me however If you cannot figure out how to remove (), then you need a lot more help than you already do.

You’re the one unable to function with a simple chat command

Blaming Blizzard for your own ignorance isn’t really unexpected though, considering the state of the forums.

Or, you could just link using the tools provided :roll_eyes:

oh so I am just imagining the message that pops up and says “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.”?

I don’t agree with all the decisions Blizzard has made. I will pay to play with my guild/friends in TBCC (and soon Wrath Classic) and continue to solicit for changes.
Blizzard is a big company but stealing is wrong and those who support it are wrong but can’t give up their addiction.

No, you’re just ignorant of the methods of adding something as simple as a link

Don’t be salty you were wrong about the sub and posting lame middle age dad memes.

You don’t have any other choice. Play on a server of 50 people or nothing at all and play another game? It is blizzards fault.

Ohhh, like you’re unable to post links :crazy_face:
Yes, it’s a link of a lame middle age dad meme, with the point of showing you how to link :rofl: and you’re (so far) ignorant on how to handle such a simple task.

Play Blizzard’s game or don’t. Find another game. Don’t support theft.
Or just be lazy and entitled lying with thieves.

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Insert meme of “your boot sir”.

I didn’t know there were still people that defended blizzard. Awful company, awful people working there and still to their fault, awful decisions that lead to people going to these private servers.

At this point, you’ve shown you’re a liar, ok with theft on Blizzard’s own platform, and not competent at all in how forums work.

And yet you still support them :rofl:

ok after doing some digging I see what is happening. It only allows certain websites.
imgur is not an approved website. I can post and it works.

Did I say you were lying about being unable to post links? No, that just comes down to your complete ignorance of how to link with the tools provided at any trust level.

Now, this could be down to ignorance (again, there’s a trend) but there’s currently more than 50 on Whitemane cluster on horde alone. Are you simply unaware of the facts, unable to understand how the /who function works, or just full of it and vomiting stupid numbers for the sake of it?

And my dad meme was an approved source? :crazy_face: