Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

No they didn’t.

Extremely bold claim lol

yes they did, keep coping and you wont get your name either

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I already have all my names. And I’m more than likely on the destination realm. I know it’s hard for you to imagine that I might be advocating for people other than myself.


This is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons:

  1. This is going to effectively destroy pvp in SoD entirely. Alliance will just all go to the mega pve server and horde will go to the mega pvp server, effectively killing world pvp. WSG and AB are already dead so the only pvp option will be AV which is mainly pve focused.

  2. The original realms will stagnate and die, everyone will migrate to the mega realms and gradually these mega realms will turn into what the cata realms are like being one faction dominated.

  3. This will split up guilds/communities as some people will want to go the pve realm while others will want to go to the pvp realm, bad decision.

The optimal strategy is just to do a forced merge of all the servers, this will keep the faction balance and place, keep world pvp alive, and allow guilds/communities to remain intact. Letting players choose where to go is a bad idea and like always will just gradually turn into one faction dominated servers which is insanely boring.

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False we all identify as pacisfist :+1:

Pve is just indirect pvp enjoy watching 20 bots roam around and have fun :roll_eyes:

i’m in a bit of a weird place here because i’ve been struggling to find a MC group to tank for and having more horde to group with would be nice but there are too many players in the open world already whenever i’m out questing and such and i don’t want there to be more

what do ;_;

If you turn SoD into a Retail mess of character names-servername I will quit. I don’t play retail for the very fact that it has no sense of community. I don’t want my screen littered with long names and people I’ll only see once either. I’ve never had a problem with names because I come up with unique ones that are available on every realm.

Also, if I can’t have my Ally and Horde toons on the same PvP server, I will quit. I will not remain on a dead server like my Era toons got stuck on.

I came to SoD after nearly 20 years of not playing WoW. This is the only thing keeping me subscribed. Please don’t screw it up like every other version of WoW.

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Amazing change! Can’t wait to leave Crusader Strike and join Wild Growth :smiley:

Bye Felicia.

This feels like a purposeless wracking of the server populations.

  1. It is not mandatory to move, so to move is to risk leaving a good situation and arriving in a poor situation (Balance, population, etc) Or not leaving when you should have and being left in a bad situation. My personal fear is that my currently good server situation will become bad, and the new server situation will also be bad.
  2. I am very happy with the name for my character, which is not an unpopular name and will be contested in a new server. If I am not defeated in the name-claim game…someone else had to lose theirs or switch to an off-spelling.
  3. The assumption that class balance will remain balanced on the new servers without faction restrictions, based on the current populations developed through faction restrictions is wishful thinking. PvP in Season of Discovery has pronounced imbalance from Shamans, Hunters, and Paladins at the top of open world PvP to Warriors, Mages, and Feral druids at the bottom. Combining that with the distinct Horde Racial advantages in PvP creates a substantial likelihood that PvP servers will become not only faction imbalanced, but also further class imbalanced. Lastly, faction restrictions on the new servers would just create the same community issues as the ‘escape valve’ opened up briefly in phase three.

This seems like a classic case of “damned of you do and damned if you do not.”

I do agree with you, however the community and culture you speak of has been imploding for the past few years. Ask 100 people what’s wrong with WoW and 99 will tell you " the toxic* community". WRA has been my server since my start, 16ish yrs ago. The newer player base seems to have been raised by the Internet and have little to no social skills. I miss the days of having a great community. You needed help or had a question, no problem. Try that now and the reception will not be met with “community” anywhere in sight. Just my own experiences and opinions. But on a personal note, luv the name. Big fan of Rob zombie and it shows. Hillbilly, Thunderkiss, all names I’ve had for years. Take care and have fun


I think the majority will move.

Then why are you ruining it with this change?


Just merge the realms into 2 realms total. None of this xfer character or stay on dead realm non sense. All we need are Wild Growth and Crusader Strike.

I am wondering the same thing. Back in season of mastery, there were two PVE severs in NA region that got merged somewhat early, which was fine. But for SoD, there is only one PVE server in NA region, so I hope they leave the PVE server side alone so people can keep creating new characters there and we don’t have to deal with having to redo all our names…

Unless they really want to merge us with the AU pve server?? I’d rather them just open free transfers from AU to NA pve server or something…

It sounds like SoD, just like SoM, was a lot of experiments to see what worked and what didn’t. At least in SoD, the devs have been listening way more and making changes. We just all need to keep providing feedback since it is actually working more this time around. Of course, not all feedback will end up coming true.

Lets just hope they don’t screw things up enough that even if changes come later, they don’t lose a lot of the player base for good even with a new seasonal realm next year with an actual overall good play experience.

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I don’t expect an answer, but would you mind expanding on this? I’ve noticed that the retail client performance has degraded over time. Things like the silithus player cap limit during the opening of the gates of AQ, auction house throttling, and layering are examples of this.

Are you saying that you’ve made significant improvements such that layers are no longer necessary? It’s ok if that’s not the case, I was just wondering if you could expand on this and give us some more details about the improvements.


- Zordiak

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Yes! I’m in the USA and had to make an AU account to play horde back in December. I want to be able to be with other US players so I can actually find groups.

Dude, that would be interesting and scary at the same time. I can’t imagine the auction house on one mega server LOL. And there’d need to be 50+ layers probably. But, I was recently saying that leveling in the nightmare incursions in some servers is hard to find people to group with. It’d be nice if those zones could be un-layered so it’s easier to find people or maybe a cross server zone, idk.

But honestly, the devs said they have been much more open in SoD to making changes that are more out there and seeing what works and what didn’t. I just hope they don’t screw up to where they lose a bunch of the playerbase that may not return even if they dial things back in the right direction and/or make an outstanding classic + seasonal experience next, but lacks players that don’t want to come back and risk feeling like they got the rug thrown out under them again.

You all really need to work on you ability to convey information.

Are you making NEW realms for all of us to transfer to? - This would be stupid. Point. Blank.

Are you opening up transfers to the largest server for PVE and PVP for everyone to transfer to? - This would be smart.