Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

This will have a negative impact on guilds. Simple.

Some people are very attached to their name too, and may simply quit.

Raiding population will most likely be down a good chunk after this is implemented.

Dark times.


Can we get a clarification on whether this will be new realms, or funneling everyone into Wild Growth and Crusader Strike?


Yah they should leave Wild Growth alone, Open a new PVP server, and allow transfers to either.

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This is honestly so silly. Don’t do this unless you can figure out how to connect the servers. People dont want their guilds blown up or to lose their character names.

Im never surprised with the goofy stuff this dev team comes up with.


Forced merge or else… Just killing off any servers for those who dont leave.

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I have Horde Guild and Horde char on Lone Wolf and Alliance Guild and Alliance Chars on Living Flame, so i need to delete and forgot one side to play on megaserver for now? I dont want to

While I do think making a move to fix server population is very crucial, as it is next to impossible to recruit and find fills right now, what about people with horde and ally characters? I raid in a horde guild on Lonewolf and co-run an alliance guild on living flame.

I’ve been raiding with both since Launch. if these servers merge or allow free transfers, I’m nervous I will be put into a pretty awful position of having to abandon all of the toons on one of my servers - Since you can’t make alliance and horde on the same pvp server, this would essentially force me to pick one and abandon a character that I essentially co-main.

If this goes through there should be restrictions lifted on only alliance or only horde, or you’ll be forcing people to have to abandon raiding with their friends. I have friends on both sides and it’s not really an acceptable solution for me to be forced to quit one.

TL:DR Please consider people that have both alliance and horde on the same account on pvp servers

I have a horde druid on crusader strike that I raid with, and an alliance druid alt I mess around with on living flame. Both PVP servers. Will I be able to play both on the singular PVP realm?

I bet they forgot about this issue because this whole thing is a bad idea and reeks of not being thought through.


I have alts that raid in different raid groups that may not go to the same server. This change pretty much forces me to choose between friend groups or choose to separate my alts and lose access to my professions that support my main. Really not a fan.

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What’s the goal here?

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Please just confirm if the plan is brand new realms or funnel everyone into the largest population pve and pvp servers for each region.

Making every single player in the game transfer every single one of their characters so they don’t end up on a dead realm is a really bad idea.

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A lot of people making it sound like they making new servers but this reads that they’re just going to pick servers to be the perm servers.

It’s cause Wowhead posted new servers while blue post didn’t.

This sounds great. I have only ever played on a PVP server, but I am moving to PVE. I can’t stand PVP in SOD; whoever can stun first generally wins, and people are just toxic with PVP in the open world.

Either way is bad. If you move everyone then everyone screwed over, cutting up all communities. If you funnel all to one then those outside the lucky chosen server will all lose their names and guild tags guaranteed.

My issue here is timing. This is the smart move long run, but right now when most servers are active and healthy and content still to come?! Does not make sense.


I bet you’re all excited to have all the gold selling warlock summoners on one server

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does this mean i can have horde and alliance on the same server?


That’s actually a good question too.

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This is exciting! I’m very much looking forward to this and hope we get a date soon enough.