Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

I have both Ally and Horde chars on different pvp servers. Can I transfer them all to this “mega” pvp server?


Adding a few other questions I’ve seen from others:

  • Are these brand new realms or will one existing realm of each type on each region become “the designated mega realm”?
  • Names: It sounds like this will be a big issue for many based on Garnet’s response
  • Will players be able to transfer from PVE <=> PVP or are we locked to the type of server we chose in the beginning of SoD?
  • Will this still lead to still-disproportionate server populations between the two servers? For example on NA there’s only Wild Growth and Penance (maybe Lava Lash? But I thought it was shut down previously). Meanwhile there are 3 PVP servers and 1 RPPVP server (excluding Chaos Bolt too).

The incompetence is crazy


I have many questions about this:

  1. Names? is it going to be first come first serve? original server tacked to the end?

  2. For the US, is it going to be a PST,CST,or EST realm? IF the realm is a pacific coast realm, my EU friends will be even more screwed by ping and prob wont be able to play with us.

  3. When is “Soon”? TWW comes out today and if soon means today, we have to decide on either getting or names or playing TWW. Also, our guild is frantically trying to poll what we want to do as we do not know when the change will go live and as we care about our names, as soon as it does, we want to make the call on what to do. Some clarification on when would be nice.


Probably not unique feedback but you already have a PVE (wildgrowth) and PVP (CS) server on NA. You can accomplish the same thing by letting people pick which of those two they want to transfer to before closing the other servers (say two weeks to a month) without going halfway on this whole process. If it isn’t forced it will 100% break guilds/servers.


You displaced my small guild once and now you’re doing it again? Gee, thanks.
It’s kind of wild to me that you didn’t foresee this from the start but I guess microsoft doesn’t give their interns any resources.
I try not to give you guys too much grief over decisions I disagree with, you are only human after all and this is a game so it’s not worth getting too up in arms over things.

I’m beginning to regret returning to Blizzard games.


Are they going to be new realms or will two already established PvP and PvE realms be designated as the mega realms?

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In general this is cool. I do agree you need to acknowledge forcing this and start adding last names to the game. Then add it to retail to declutter that giant dead server list.

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They are going make new realms and lock out the established realms and screw everyone I guess

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to tack on to what i said previously, it’s not clear from the original post if this is the case or not, but i think locking the new realms to anything but transfers for the first 24 hours would be a decent middle ground. it’s impossible to avoid at least a few people losing their name but i would feel much better knowing i lost my name to someone who is actually playing as opposed to a level 1 alt that will never be logged on to. not sure how other people feel.


Will there be any consideration for players that have characters of opposing factions on two separate PVP realms? If the plan is to attempt to consolidate players onto one mega realm per play-style then players like myself get burned in the process as if both my Horde and Alliance guild choose to merge onto the PVP realm I’ll presumably be blocked from doing so with one of my characters.

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This is amazing. My friends and I are looking forward to it. I suspect it’ll be two existing realms? Two new realms may be better so you can ease the faction restrictions on those realms in particular. Regardless, super cool change.

Please implement something to keep our names/guild names as they are and maintain our own uniqueness. All for the change and a giant mega server sounds awesome for the community, but since this is a forced change at least consider the small things that make each of our characters/guilds ours.



Need to close the other realms down if making 2 mega servers

Lol now every one gets to feel what happened to CB. You will probably not get to keep your names just like a majority of us when we had to leave CB.

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Simply to late to implement something like this.
Its will be the final nail in the coffin on SoD
Your going to punish so many individuals, guilds and communities.
Clearly 0 thought has go into this when it comes to the broader player base.

If this isnt the case announcement should have more details please?

Will there be any support for AU servers or anything?

Is there going to be guild transfer system? Or will it just be messy, first in first served and make new guilds?


Why would this new server kill any community? Lmao
Just recreate your guild and you’ll be fine?
Why are your names such a big deal? If someone else uses it, it apparently isn’t really unique in the first place.

Jeez, people here make a big deal out of everything.

Oh and btw, bring back gdkps to PvP servers.


I haven’t really spent any time in SoD, but for what it’s worth, I personally think this is a great thing.

The leveling process is still too slow for me to want to invest in leveling up “seasonal” characters (might be more inclined if I knew for certain where they’d wind up at the end of the season, or if they’re going to be permanent into new “seasons”), but I definitely think “less is more” when it comes to servers, personally.

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Long live cb


PVE, PVP servers in SoD have burned alot of people. Nobody wants to deal with the broken class balance and actual competition in the world from a 50/50ish pop.

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