Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

too logical dude. a great idea as this will not make any “server” or guild fall off from people saying they will transfer and then dont, which happens everytime. Its too late in the game to give people this choice. Either force everyone onto a new server or dont, giving people this choice will destroy SoD


You’re outta your go**amned minds. This is the dumbest thing you’ve thought up since the last dumb thing you thought up. Fist you killed Lava lash and made us move, SIGNIFICANTLY diminishing my enjoyment of the game and driving away dozens of guildmates. Costing me my RP realm and my character names. Now you want to do it again? Why? So you can save money on how many servers your operating? Really why? there is no good reason for this. SOD was the wow classic I always wanted, a great blend of vanilla and new quality of life improvements and tweaked content. But you keep shooting yourselves in the foot. And I hate mega servers and I’m about done with this whole comapny.


Everytime things are looking good for a season, or an xpac, the dev team has to do stupid moves like this. You guys have been very receptive of the players for SoD this time around though which i do respect. Either force everyone onto the new server or dont bother at all. Whether the reasoning is to penny pinch by saving money by not maintaining as many servers, or to just make sure the game doesnt die off like it did in p3 (which was your guys’ fault anyway cuz p4 took so long to release, but most of us would have rather had that wait instead of a rushed p4 that would have been garbage and buggy). So with that said dont let phase 5 take years to come like phase 4 did, and the game wont die. Force everyone onto the same server, so the game doesnt die. Giving people the choice this late into the game will doom this season entirely.


Jesus the amount of idiotic ideas never stops…


Forcing everyone to xfer when TWW is dropping today and officially in a few days? SoD is deadddddd


They can’t.

No. Really. There’s no ‘last name’ variable. So even if an NPC is named “John Derson” it’s still saved as ‘one word’ with a space character in between the ‘n’ and ‘d’.

It would require a massive rewrite of the entire WoW code (Retail and all) just to support that because everything that points to our character is referencing probably something like ‘playername’, and that variable does not allow for a space or a concatenation of two fields (ie ‘player_firstname’ and ‘player_lastname’).

The best we got was ‘playername-realm’. Now…what they could do is format this as “Playername of Realm”; so yours would be “Atomik of Wild Growth”. This was an actual naming convention used in the early days of civilization, example: Alexander III of Macedon; he had no ‘last name’ because those didn’t really start to exist until around the 11th century (thanks Google!).

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:popcorn: :point_right: :sob: :rage: :heart_eyes_cat:

Just make everyone move to crusade strike or wild growth.


Can you please shed light on if this population consolidation is being done in anticipation of 40 man raids coming with BWL? It would obviously make recruiting more players to fill a 40 man roster much easier. Does this have any bearing on the decision, or are you simply preserving resources by consolodating the waning populations?

Im stealing all your names.

I will resell them to you for 200g/ea.


As much as I would prefer the Era approach, it sounds like that’s not feasible for the resources you have at hand. With that said, if we can get a date AND TIME days in advance, I think it will help those of us who are the most devoted to our names (like myself) secure them.

But I would really ask you to reconsider the Connected Realms idea. I play on Living Flame, and while it’s quiet at times, it’s far from dead or in a dire situation. I would happily play through the rest of SoD on this server if it means you can have a better long-term solution for the post-SoD world.

Creating this megaserver feels like a poor compromise from the populations and activity I’ve seen on SoD servers. If it is created, all of the current realms would truly die, and there would be no point in creating Connected Realms. I can’t know the scope of what you’re dealing with, or how this factors into what you guys are trying to develop for future phases, so I don’t want to pass judgment. But I would ask that you consider whether this irreversible change needs to happen now.

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This is such a garbage idea and implementation…almost 20 years, and now owned by Microsoft…and you still can’t figure out how to not disrupt everyone’s play, guild and names in a merger. It’s insane. I bet non-Blizzard staff could figure this out in 48 hours…


They are trying to make everyone quit SOD before they get exposed for no new raid content at 60…it’s a bold move.


Why are yall so insistent on ruining this game!? WHY!? I HATE mega servers. Why can’t y’all just stop messing with us.


This is a fantastic idea.

Imagine all the people stuck on dead servers.

I quit SoD back when this happened to Lava Lash because I couldn’t get my character name (and also very importantly, our guild name) on Wild Growth. I really enjoyed SoD but after spending so much time and effort on a character that had a name I really liked in a guild with a name I really liked, it was hard to feel “at home” in SoD without those things. Call it silly all you want, but that name grew on me and I liked being referred to as that name. I liked that name being on gear I crafted for people. I liked our guild name, I liked being known as being part of that guild. Yes, we could pick up the pieces of our community and rebuild somewhere else with new names, but it didn’t feel worth it. My friends and I loved playing on our small server with our nice little server community, and then suddenly we had to give that up, AND our character names, AND our guild name.

And since I’ve seen other comments about this - the name being unique isn’t the thing that makes it special (to me, at least). I had a lot of reasons to feel attached to my character’s name. I liked how it sounded, I liked people calling me by that name, I spent many hours crafting items with that name on it, meeting friends and talking to people while having that name, etc… People knew me as that name. I don’t care if I had to be “name”-LavaLash. I wouldn’t care if they implemented last names and multiple characters could have the same first name. Within the context of SoD, that was my name. I just wanted to keep it.

If suddenly the server was just bigger and that’s all we had to deal with, then whatever. That really sucks, I don’t like megaservers, that’s why I rolled on LavaLash in the first place. I strongly prefer smaller RP server communities, but I understand that sometimes such things just don’t last. It’s the character names and guild names that really matter to me the most, and I know for sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.


Will faction caps still be in place?

are they gonna be mega servers? or just servers with 20+layers

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Any word on if we will be able to move level 1’s? I have a lot of bank alts and I am really hoping I don’t have to level them up or have to choose what stuff I bring

i have horde on lonewolf and ally on crusader strike, will i be able to have both factions on the same realm?

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