Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

Isnt human racial a pvp trinket?

A week later and absolute radio silence.

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I’ve seen around a 50/50 split horde and alliance on pvp servers too and it’s been refreshing and a good play experience

Yup…i’m telling you they aren’t going to give much warning when they roll this garbage out…just BAM they are open now and if you didn’t happen to check twitter/forums sucks to be you.

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Is it possible to know if we will be able to transfer from PVP servers to PVE as a result of this move?

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^ this, let us do this.
I don’t want to be playing on the Streamers server ever again after Whitemane and Faerlina, that’s just a big no for me. Also “we have a 50/50 split on server” Yeah no, that’s not really true at all on Lone Wolf and getting killed for no reason 7 times when you want to do a dungeon is kinda tiring, fighting back is also not an option when the balance we have is 1v20.
So tired of griefing and I’ve been in both sides. It’s not fun if you are winning and even less fun if you are losing.

it’s fun either way as a rogue…maybe you are playing the wrong class.

It is only fair to give players the choice to change from PvP to PvE if they desire.

The decision to roll on a PvP server was made without the knowledge that we would eventually be merged onto a mega-server. Now that Blizzard is changing the rules by merging all the servers down to two, they should give players a chance to change their choice, just like they did earlier in Season of Discovery.

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Pretty much this ^
It’s stupid to lock us into something we don’t even want to be part of.

Daily reminder that the oceanic community does not want a bandaid fix that kills there entire region like you did to us in season of mastery.

Once again, we really appreciate the discourse around this, it’s a topic with no easy single answer depending on your personal preferences for how you play World of Warcraft.

We’ve read through your feedback and debated internally. We are going to move forward with this change. Exact date and details will come soon, but you shouldn’t have to wait long!

I’ve mentioned it a few times but one more time, unfortunately Connected Realms is not a technology we can leverage for Season of Discovery, the amount of time that it takes to plan and implement does not fit with remaining time in the Season. We have some ideas to make sure we can avoid this entire topic for future Classic iterations!


There is definitely a way to approach this, it’s just being handled poorly. Making a mega server that everyone can freely transfer too and locking all old servers to new players effectively kill those servers. The population can only get smaller until the server is no more. If you really want to do the big mega pop server. Characters should have to force move to that server so previous servers don’t have a population problem. Or Server merge.

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i dont believe this for even a second.


So give us some clarification, are you moving everyone to the highest pop servers, or opening new ones?


I would like to know if there is a capped limit on items and gold being transferred, and
is there a minimum level of characters to be transferred?

This tbqh ()

is this soon™?

Daily reminder that the oceanic community does not want a bandaid fix that destroys the entire oceanic region and forces us onto high ping.

You did this in season of mastery with swamp of sorrows au and it was an absolute failure and most oceanic players quit the game.

Can we get a date confirmed for this? Its painful being on a server like Living Flame where we lost half the pop to WG transfer window – now we are left with a bunch of guys in denial that say server more alive than its ever been its just 12am server time

They said you would get a few days notice when it’s about to be set in motion. They dont need to update you every day…stop complaining about everything and reroll servers or hush up! Hope you have a great day Charmingdude :people_hugging: