Why wasn’t the last hotfix updated here?
Can feral druids get an aoe rune for swipe or an aoe attack for tanking?
You can only do so much with three runes and all 3 runes currently fill a need. We will see what runes they add in Phase 2 to help rogues out in this department.
right?! and maybe have it scale with AP or something?? its actual trash atm… Maybe Mangle and Lacerate at the same time so we have some snap threat off the pull instead of having zero TPS until 5 stacks of lacerate.
solution for Druids:
Make Mangle a stackable spell ( each cast of mangle increases damage taken by bleeds by 20% and lowers energy cost of Rake by 10 per application)
Swipe deals flat 100 damage + adds 5 rage/1 combo point
Lacerate is now a Leg rune with increase rage cost by 20
add Feral Fairy Fire ( cost 25 rage or 40 energy)
rework savage roar to increase attack speed by 40% + 20% increase damage
make BFD Druid mace a Quest like Pally Verigans Fist vs rare BFD Drop locking out feral druids from key gear
This alone would make warrior deep wound just god teir with the warriors doing more dps than the entire raid put together.
I appreciate the reply!!! however I have to disagree with a lot of what you have suggested and I’ll explain:
“Make Mangle a stackable spell” This would be nice at lvl25 but falls flat at 40 as our combo point builder will be shred and mangle will only be cast for the debuff itself not to mention the amount of % bleed increase you have suggested is WAY 2 much and would unbalance classes like warr and rogue
“Swipe deals flat 100 damage + adds 5rage/1combo point” once we get to lvl 40-60 in bear we will be rage capped most of the fight when tanking I.E if swipe added rage and still didnt scale with AP it would be equally as useless as it is now. Swipe is not useable in Cat form until WOTLK and not in SoD and with the data mined “Thrash” ability I agree with that decision.
“Lacerate is now a Leg rune with increased rage cost by 20” this change just doesn’t make any sense and i srsly question if you have even played a bear in TBC/WOTLK/SoD Lacerate is 100% fine as is it works GREAT our issue is we do not have a “shield slam” style ability for snap threat and we desperately need one… Mangle in TBC/WoTLK filled this roll EXTREMELY well.
“add Feral Fairy Fire ( cost 25rage or 40 energy)” this ability is already in the game as a talent and its free… again making me ask have you even played a druid before?
“rework savage roar to increase attack speed by 40% and + 20% increased damage” this change also makes zero since Cat form base attack speed is already 1.00 I personally hate the savage roar play style and much prefer the maintaining bleeds and debuffs rather than making sure i keep a 30% + damage finishing move active to me that feels like lazy game making.
“make BFD Druid mace a Quest like pally Verigans Fist vs rare BFD Drop locking out feral druids from key gear” This i agree with it makes 100% sense but 2 little 2 late as the phase is over already.
plz tell me ele shammans getting a mail set since they are going 2 have no peel or is your plan for them to die instantly to physcial
Thanks for info!
February 12, 2024
WoW Classic: Season of Discovery
- You can now get a new Squall-breakers Potion from Rau Cliffrunner in Freewind Post upon accepting the quest “Calm Before the Storm”.
- Recipe: Lesser Arcane Elixir is now bind-on-pickup.
- The Battle for Ashenvale weekly quests “Clear the Forest!” and “Repelling Invaders” now grant full XP and reputation rewards, through level 40.
- The Ashenvale Rallying Cry world buff is now usable through level 39.
- The Spark of Inspiration world buff now correctly increases +healing.
- Item requirements for the quests “Power of da Wind”, “Power of da Earth”, and “Power of da Water” have been reduced.
- Druid
- Starsurge base damage reduced by 35%, and its benefit from bonus spell damage effects reduced to 42.9%, matching other instant spells.
- Starsurge now provides a new effect: your next Starfire cast within 15 seconds deals 66% increased damage.
- Fixed an issue with Enhanced Restoration preventing Nourish from gaining increased healing from Rejuvenation and Regrowth.
- Paladin
- Fixed an issue where the Sheathe of Light spell power proc wasn’t correctly activated by melee attacks.
- Shaman
- Fixed an issue where Ravaging Tempest could sometimes not lose its protective aura when Ailgrah Splittusk was killed.
- Stranglethorn Vale PvP Event
- Players who resurrect in Stranglethorn Vale during the Blood Moon event and gain Drained of Blood will now be immune to attack during its duration, but unable to cast spells or attack. They can mount and move to another location and are invisible to players outside their party.
- Drained of Blood duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- Drained of Blood now has a visual.
- Players who wish to opt out of Blood Moon should now more easily notice the Zandalarian Emissary.
Did you somehow need another 5% nerf to Starsurge between the hotfix and now?
Any chance warlock’s pets can be already summoned on rez (like in BG’s) as the summon is already 10 seconds.
Give rogue some AoE threat generation or something. Shuriken toss doesn’t do anything.
None of this talks about fixing the Eclipse push back resistance not working. Its not worth PVPing as boomie not able to cast or use an instant spell with no real CC.
This is the hardest the nerf bat has ever hit any spec ever. My druid wasn’t 40 yet and now is completely unplayable. Thanks for crying.
The biggest joke is them talking about looking at other changes and then nothing, just extra nerfs to Starsurge lol.
Can we at least get some compensation on the mana cost of Starfire?
Despite 2 runes devoted simply to not running out of mana Starfire still guarantees we go OOM quite quickly.
Are you also going to address our DoTs which are currently looking at being severely devalued due to the rest of our kits having better synergies (especially with the new lack of mana)?
Oh should have added, can we get the Eclipse sound effect fixed? It is extremely obnoxious going off as loudly as it is literally every single time you cast a spell.
Can we have it at the least only activate when you gain a stack of an Eclipse you currently don’t have active?
Paladins and Warlocks now not able to cast summon mount due to it being a spell. Any potential workaround for this or are we destined to walk?
The workaround is to use the normal mount like any other class.
I’m not going to complain about the nerf to Starsurge, but I will ask that the added visual effect of a Starsurge hitting ‘us’ as we cast it on someone else is extremely annoying. Especially in PvP it makes me assume another boomkin is targetting me. Also, the flash on my screen every time it comes down in front of me is mildly blinding at nights.
P.s. lowkey why not just use the visual of starsurge from retail instead of this top-down one?