Not going to mention the hunter nerfs?
Or did you decide it was a bad idea to nerf hunters AGAIN when they were not the top dps without touching warriors and rogues so you are trying to not admit to the hunter nerfs having gone through?
I dont play melee hunter, but this is just getting stupid at this point. You keep nerfing hunters without touching any of the other top dps, even when hunter isn’t number 1.
Edit: looks like you added it to post 1, but didnt want to give an update in its own post. My guess is an attempt to try and make it more discreet.
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Oh man. I hope they have some nice surprises in store for phase 4. Waiting almost 2 weeks just to have a slight change to Efflorescence seems cruddy.
Warrior and rogue nerf when?
If melee hunter was doing to much damage, so were they.
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"Darkmoon faire now spawns in both Mulgore and Elewynn , with one week off in between fairs. " Bis change
Summon bots are in shambles
No class adjustments?
Bittersweet imo. Would be nice to have the game be a bit fresh again, but on the other hand, no class adjustments likely means that a P4 announcement will be here soon
I didnt even know this quest existed! Thanks for the update!
Whats the latest on clerics?
Well thanks for doing that right after I burn my transmute cooldown
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RIP to those that kept their Xmutes going during p3. Inc 1/2 price or less Arcanite Bars now & full price crystals. My 50 bars could have been 100
… On the positive side… 25 CDs to go.
Why is the worldbuff change slated as a SoD change but it’s currently in era?
I hate this change to alchemy. What a stupid thing to do that massively screws over people who were diligently making arcanite on cooldown.
Also, because of the unpopularity and length of phase 3, the elixir supply is already incredibly high. There wasn’t as large of a playerbase as the previous phases to be consuming them, so there’s already a massive backstock from phase 3, and now we are going into a new phase with guaranteed 2x procs meaning that supply is only ever going to continue growing. We will never see parity on raid consumables again with this. Thanks Blizzard. I don’t know what kinda crowd was clamoring for this, but I am sure happy you catered to their demands.
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Do blizz just not bother posting here anymore? 
Healers have no use for any of the offensive ring engravings, so it’d be nice if priests and mages could also benefit from the defense ring engraving.
Any chance Fire Immune mobs in dungeons like BRD could be looked at?
Kinds sucks as a lock tank where you have to DoT (Corruption and Agony), Shadow Cleave, Taunt on CD, and pray.
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