Season of Discovery has more players than Retail

Citation needed.

It appears more popular. Just don’t think about how all the players are condensed on 6 or so realms, that’s irrelevant.


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It’s also new. Let’s see how well it’s doing in 4-6 months.

the amount of people viewing it on twitch is more than retail, but that amount is also the amount of people logged in at once on retail on a bad day

Which is probably why they opted for this few realms to be honest. They know it’s gonna be short lived.

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I’m giving it a week or two until after the hype has calmed down a bit before giving it a try.

Yeah no doubt. People are already max level, so once they got their fill of the new thing, they’ll be back here complaining.

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And the circle will be complete.

And this needed a thread?

Humanbeak, try harder.

SoD has like 5 servers there is no way it has more players then Retail.


Plenty of mass murders have suffered from insanity.

It doesn’t erase what they did.

It may have not been Emerald Dream then, I could’ve sworn I saw Emerald Dream but maybe not.

And again I doubt this, I can comb through Valdrakken right now and find even more realms that the ones listed - The chance of someone being grouped at the same time with 20 different realms is pretty low.

Is it though? Join any pug raid group and look how many different realms are in it.

I think so, yes.

They used him as this hook for shadowlands marketing - - had the best moment to do something awesome with him and resorted to anima dust. I GOTTA SAY… I support you nagging blizzard about it till the end of wow’s time :sweat_smile:

There was plenty of Arthas-related content for Arthas simps in the dreadful Chains of Domination campaign. I’m glad Sylvanas made him go away forever; it’s just more proof she’s never done anything wrong, she’s stunning and iconic, and she deserves a redemption arc

:face_vomiting::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::nauseated_face: , gawd no

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Arthas post WCIII has been one of my least favorite story arcs.