Season of Discovery has more players than Retail

Blizz turned Arthas into pixie dust. They missed a grand opportunity during Shadowlands, and they just made it all go poof because reasons.
I will hound them on this until WoW is no more. And maybe even afterwards.

… Have you read all of the lore in his story?

Dude, Blizz keeps ripping apart lore characters left and right. The shiz needs to stop. It is absolutely one thousand percent poor story telling when they need to incite some huge OMG drama by killing off established lore, just to try to draw people in. Or to try and brag about new water effects a la ZM. :rofl:

It’s weird people still fall for this. FF does it too.

Low server count + throttled login/authentication servers gives the impression it’s packed when in reality the like 6 NA SoD servers can handle like 30k people tops.

That’s really not alot of people. Have retail cut servers back to 6 for expansion/patch launches and watch the 7 day queues.


If you played a healer in retail you’d have millions of friends to playwith.

I don’t remember anything like that; classic players are just upset that what people thought for a long time was true about classic (e.g., that it’s harder than retail, that its gameplay is more popular than retail, that it would’ve never gone downhill if it had just stayed the same as it was back then) turned out to be totally false

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New stuff > stuff you’ve already finished.
Classic sees massive highs and lows repeatedly.

Personally, I’m putting a little time into it, but it’s not even fun to play right now. Any kill or collect quest in early zones turns into a 30 minute campfest of literally sitting on a spawnpoint to go for that tag 12 times because there are 20 other people doing the same thing so if you just run around you’ll never get anything.

The literal lines forming for certain quest turn-ins were cute but represent a bigger problem with the playability of the game. I understand it’ll go away in a week or so, but damn.

It’s definitely great for the streamers to make money off of. They get their bandwagon followers to hop on anything they do no matter the game.

It seemed like everyone and their mom was playing HC also but there’s still only 2 realms that I can see. Probably a perception doesn’t meet reality type of thing.

Congrats…? But what’s the point of this? Flaunting? Badmouthing? To be honest, no real reason to make a post about this?

I just thought he was sharing the good news for retail players:

As far as I’m concerned, it’s Blizzard’s story and characters so they can do what they want with it. We’re free to critique it of course, different opinions of how they decided to tell it, but it’s still ultimately their story to tell. I’m pretty lax about the whole thing and only care if/when they take odd leaps (a lot of the Bronze/Infinite stuff lands here for me, despite it being inherently jank due to time shenanigans), and if/when they introduce characters that’re written specifically in an attempt to please certain people rather than to fit cohesively into the universe.

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Well, here’s a good reason to avoid SoD.

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Because the only way Classic can grown is from the retail player pool. Some people need to bring something else down to feel like what they like to play is better in comparison.

WoW in general has a hard time attracting new players but there arent any new players running to their computers to try out WoW Classic.

For most of us it is what it is. A nice version of the old game to visit from time to time to get a bit of nostalgia but we’ve all been there and done that when it was current and fun.

I’m having fun with SoD, but let’s be honest. Garmuk is a troll and pulling numbers out of his behind as usual.

Happy Sunday Garmuk, love you!

Yes it is. Saw Area-52 and Illidan just now - It’s not on RP realms however.

Thank you for explaining.

Valdrakken is indeed shared. “[name]-Area52” and I’m on Sargeras for example
Old Warrior I no longer play also on Sargeras, as you can see bottom right a player from Tichondrius populates Valdrakken - imgur[dot]com/a/5mf6R9V

just to be clear for anyone who is thinking of typing a genuine reply, look at the OP’s post history, he’s made like 3 different threads about how bad SoD is and hunters needing buffs over there, only to come over here and sing it’s praises, don’t add fuel to the fire, it’s low quality bait and not worth bothering to waste time on

P.S, have a good day <3


Believe they all banded on the same realm so you’re “safe” anywhere else that’s not Crusader Strike.

It might’ve been people grouping up and being phased on your realm. Not sure though if CRZ is always active on already full servers.

I doubt that, as I’ve seen Illidan, Area-52, Tichondrius, EmeraldDream etc. List goes on - Lots of people easily fooled by CRZ

Um, what? She did nothing wrong? Oh I get it, you’re trolling.

They were probably in a group with someone who was on your realm.

Well Emerald Dream is an RP realm so if RP realms and non-RP realm shards don’t mix then how are you seeing them? It’s because they’re in a group with someone on your realm

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we all know once classic is dried up they move back to retail

and the jokes on them, classic is paying for retails development, cause they both share the same sub