Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - April 16

I also find it funny that aggrend has turned off his comments on the tweet and directly posted this thread - he said from the beginning he didnt want to use his personal account for what he was meanwhile he has basked in the attention for months now - We wanted the posts and conversations on the forums from the jump please keep them here and stay off twitter


Previously that may have been true, but the disparity is now rising so high that things are changing.

friendly reminder fury warrior also does not have a helmet rune slot.

but we know you guys are deliberately shunning warrior.


I mean, I know no one talks about it, most like because it doesn’t make your numbers bigger, but didnt paladins get the ability to staple a tremor totem to their bum? Almost as good as a tremor totem at least, and unkillable. A sort of “build your own WotF” for the while party.


they bring multiples of all specs and chain them together - horde literally do not have to use mana pots… looking at mana regen numbers between a horde v ally horde is a horrific joke we are suffering through

it has no business being raid wide / useable by all 3 specs / such a short cd for powerful ability


huge letdown honestly

Mage also has no pve dps helm rune - temporal anomaly is also a total joke


Or, alternatively, you only see that because the people invested enough to post on here/twitter/reddit/ect are that very vocal minority.
Most people arent invested enough to give a damn about these changes, lets be real. They log in, farm some gold, do a couple dungeons or pvp, maybe try out the raid, then log out, or that’s been my experience since classic launch.

I dont see enough hpals to even know the proper way to answer that but its my understanding its not something they can use without losing something they need

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DPS warriors are doing 3400 dps right now in ST. You are doing more damage at 50 than you are in full naxx bis at level 60.

If you are complaining right and calling yourself “stunted” i need what you are smoking.

sod.warcraftlogs. com/zone/rankings/2009#metric=dps&partition=1&class=Any&boss=2958

Oh it was a 3200, now its 3400 DPS on that boss… LOL

It’s a domino effect. Enough vocal people disappear/quit/reroll, suddenly the faction balance is bad, guilds are disbanding over losing members, combining, dwindle… If it’s a PvP server the shift ends up happening rapidly after a tipping point. This isn’t Alliance specific either - I’ve seen the Horde do the exact same rapid exodus. It’s just human nature.

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Rogues eatin good!

imagine rolling the fotm class/spec and then crying after the first nerf

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Shamans are beyond over powered tanks / raid utility / pvp gods
Adjust them like you said you would after going AFK for the last few weeks of P2 as the absolutely dominated WCL chart and PVP alike


Really need that Consecration/HoW mana cost reduction ;^;

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I mean, congrats on some untested design here. Let’s get a quick recap on this one:

Double rockbiter AP was too good, so you nerf it? That’s fine. Didn’t want to hyperscale the incoming p3 runes either. Unfortunately, 90% rockbiter nerf was too much, and now melee threat garbage.

Shaman tanks were dual wielding? Better force them into 1h+shield. Not cool, warrior tanks can still fury prot, but not shamans anymore. Now we can’t even double rockbiter with the 90% nerf to try to compensate the lost threat.

P3 brought runes that compensated shaman tanks for the end of p2 nerfs. Mental dex combined with overload fixed the threat issue you created.

But now you’re nerfing that. Obviously had to, it was broken in pvp.

So isn’t it time we partially revert the rockbiter nerf? Enhance dps is fine running double windfury, or windfury FT, and rockbiter isn’t on the map for them. Please give tank spec a reason to care about their melee attacks.


Aggrend has a note on twitter refusing to do any balance changes for “a bit longer.”

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Can all you alliance dents be more specific… ENHANCE is busted.

Ele is borderline trash right now, its barely doing more DPS than frost mages. Lets just relax.

ive been playing shaman ever since classic started. not the first nerf this phase for warden, as soon as the phase dropped they got rid of dual wield tanking

It was broken everywhere lol. I was solo farming SM cath and it was 65% of my damage.

it was super busted.

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