Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

Who cares no pvp polish = no log In


Yeah that explains the emphasis on pvp events


you’ll still be running MC it’s not like we’re leveling up. If you’ve got the same group each week most tier pieces are probably going to off spec at this point

Us asking about where is the PVP stuff is not “random”. Thanks for trying to minimalize our content.

Just because you like to run your little scripts with a Chatgpt verson 1960 boss doesn’t mean PVP should be ignored.

Some of us love a challenge and not one that involves “when the boss does his little whirly thing hide behind this corner or don’t step on this square when the sky turns purple” crap.

What in the boomer

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Bro what do you expect… the numbers in this game are abysmal. Probably just get some BWL mechanic that is… ohhhh boy… things hit harder… or… ohhhh boy… now you got to put on the new shadow resist gear!!

Only reason this thing is still trucking along is it was the golden child not to long ago. Just rush it to the end and lower it into the ground tossing the flowers in. That way they can say the baby lead a good and full life. Then back to the drawing board and try to figure out how to extend the magic beyond p1.

I would assume Kara and hyjal would be after naxx if they are doing it

You had Kara in TBC and again on retail multiple times. You have Hyjal on cata right now lol

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WTF are you getting on about? Those “scripts” and tuning are exactly what needs to be tested. PVP is tested today and every day. The player tuning isn’t changing.

Again, we shouldn’t be assuming that our played experience is the same as everyone else’s. Our group has been very lucky with caster tokens with a lot of those pieces going to offspec because of the sheer quantity. However, we’ve been very unlucky with other class tokens and items. Not nearly enough rogue/war tokens. We’ve hardly gotten any shaman/hunter tokens (like 3 or 4 total in 5 weeks, not joking). Not a single Eye of Divinity, Corehound Tooth, Brutality Blade, Choker amulet, healer amulet, Crown of Destruction, Earth and Fire, Malister. Only one binding. Tons of duplicate items, though, that nobody needs. It’s just the luck of RNG. These raids were not designed to give every raider BiS in a month. I expect MC will still be relevant for a while, but adding BWL AND ZG on top of our raiding schedule might put more pressure on folks who are already behind a bit.

We’ll make it work, I’m sure, but we don’t need to rush content! Plenty for everyone to do.

…what emphasis?

PvP that’s finely tuned and competitive is not Vanilla/Classic. It never has been. It is like asking for there to be Archaeology added so solo players have something to do.

lol cata raid numbers dying , sod raid numbers rising, so do the math…

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can you imagine eating a bunch of pretzels and drinking a bunch of soda every night as you play video games :expressionless: that’s a great way to balloon to 400 pounds lol.

So no new raids? No new dungeons? Was DFC to hard. SoD team letting us down again

Arms Warriors still suck.

also considering cata killed sod by making p3 so long everyone left. no one cares if cata dies this time :slight_smile:

this is good for SoD but why is that blizz thinks its ok for Cata to have P1 for 6 months before releasing Phase 2???
but after 6 weeks of MC you release BWL/ZG to PTR?

( ZA and ZG are not a real phase lets be honest here)

Sure it feels rushed, but at the same point, you also never really stop doing MC. Now you’ll just do MC->BWL, and in full t1/t2, MC H3 should only be taking 30-45min or so (already is for some guilds)

Keep ZG at 20 man please.

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Ha, if you click pvp server then it’s a pvp game.

Sorry you didn’t know that.