Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

Later this week, we will open the Season of Discovery PTR for testing Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub.

We intend to open the raids for testing at 10:00 a.m. PDT (1:00 p.m. EDT) on Friday, August 30. So that testers can get set up, we will have:

  • Character copy and template characters available
  • Most Molten Core loot available from vendors
  • The usual consumables and world buffs available

Please note that we want to be as flexible as possible with ending raid testing. We may need to bring the raids down at any time over the weekend, so we recommend you try to get in and test on Friday or Saturday if you plan to participate.

We’ll open feedback threads for testers’ use on Friday morning. See you there!


First and neat

Second and neat


I assume BWL will be 20m, but if you’re also releasing ZG will it be 10m oriented? Just curious.

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guess you’ll find out in a couple days…

why? :expressionless:

What are the raid sizes? Please and thank you!

anything for Cata bro? we’re struggling with people being done with T11

Who is ready for darkness level 3? Get your shadow resist gear ready :upside_down_face:

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NO… go back to your own forum


https:/ /

4:13 “We love 40-man raiding, but we think it ultimately works best as a soda-and-pretzels type of content.”

Take from that what you will. Granted, I posted this at you before.

they already said they’re not doing shadow resist…

This is not a win, 16 months to prepare for P4 SoD, and what are we getting? no Hyjal, No new dungeons, no kara? and the only new content we have seen in months you want people to burn out on the test realm before it even hits live, if you need to release a mega server to keep players logging into SoD or the realms feeling active, why not address the real issue wich is there is no content and maybe do your jobs and release some sort of content for us to do? jfc


no shadow res requirements already confirmed. It will be hard DPS checks to get past bosses.


The joke


We did get a new instance in phase 4 called Demon Fall Canyon, although very few seem to know about it. But if “new” means an entire new zone, then yes, it can’t be considered new, but otherwise, brand new loot, bosses, etc.

Lets hope phase 5 includes some new things, and if possible a new dungeon in a new zone at the very least, but of course, an entire new raid experience would be the cherry on top. I am still hopeful we will see new things to come before SoD ends.


W, thank u blizz, just keep the news up and the community involved !

i mean the dungeon compared to the rest of the lvl 60 dungeons is basically a walk simulator, the pvp event sucks with 0 thought, MC is hardly different than normal MC, the loot is basically the exact same with a small change to skills/ the tier looks the exact same with a re color, blizz went into p4 banking on the fact people wouldn’t relsie that attunement quests are not content, especially the same oens we have done 500 times over the past 20 years

NGL, but why? Why are we doing a PTR for BWL and ZG when it’s just going to be the same SoM mechanics like MC?

The only difference in MC was the heat varients and the last boss on H3. Otherwise it’s literally 1:1 Season of mastery mechanics with different hp/dmg values.

Is the PTR just a way for the devs to stretch out P4 so that P5 doesn’t overlap with TWW? Maybe trying to stretch it out because Blizzard paid 10 million dollars to twitch streamers to bump up WoW to the front page of twitch?

Seriously, Blizzard can pump out a billion dollars for retail to spend on streamers but god forbid they can’t hire 3 new artists and zone developers to make new content for SoD. When the whole point was “New things in classic.”

Also PTR for what? Is Blizzard putting in new runes? Why? There are too many already, and what about new content? New raids? Wheres Kara crypts? Wheres the teased Scarlet Crusade raid?

“We’ll have new raids between content.” Where? When? After BWL/ZG? What after AQ20/40? WILL THOSE HAVE PTR’S TOO?

Seriously, it’s getting pretty tiring seeing SoD and the classic devs getting zero resources to do anything besides trying to drag this out.

It’s already obvious that Blizzard is condensing servers into two mega servers because they’re pulling resources and funds away from Classic and into Retail.

What a joke.


so lemme get this straight you want them to release untested content or take more time to test internally thus pushing content further back while complaining there is no content??? Damn some ppl really are dumb