Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

Please don’t give us SoM BWL, just give us Classic 2019 BWL but with bosses being buffed with more HP and damage.


I know a guy who really likes Turtles in World of Warcraft, he might know something about Hyjal and Karazhan in Classic WoW.

We want SoM BWL :expressionless:

It will be SOM bwl just 20 man :grimacing:

Soda and pretzels is just the family friendly way of saying beer and pretzels.

No more Discoveries in SoD?


a turtle made it to the water!

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We don’t do that here.

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bro bro, they got a literal sphere of lava and continued to lap this slop up. they’re too lost in Blizzmaze to realize they’re how poorly they’re being treated.


So what do us PVPers that don’t want to play 1, 2 step with a commodore 64 AI bot get to test??

Lets be realistic here WE DONT CARE ABOUT RETAIL!!! Give cata and SoD LOVE!!!

Calm down little man, its just a game.

Too soon for me. I hope the release date doesn’t come before mid-October at the earliest. I haven’t had the chance to do H3 yet. I also hope boss mechanics are intensified.

Does this mean rank 14 as well? Maybe a buff to honor in AB/WSG to make them competitive with AV for the pvpers that actually want to, y’know, PvP?


Who is “we” ? I know you don’t include yourself seeing as you don’t have a SoD 60.

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sorry your guild sucks??? like not having the FR 5 weeks in is guild mismanagement.

This thread is lame

BWL/ZG announcement and yet it’s all complaining about random stuff

Thx devs

Can pvp’rs finally play the game? been R10 since week 2 and literally nothing to do.

Where is our weapons???


This is a pve game! Go do arena if you would like to pvp. Hope this helps and i wish you nothing but the best :smiley:

I don’t disagree entirely. I had to find another new guild in P4, and this one went a bit slower than expected (apparently, lots of people were busy irl). I’ve had the FR for 3 weeks now, but alas I can’t solo MC. Still, I don’t think we need to be rushing content here. There’s no reason we should be thinking about introducing another raid tier so quickly. Some of us do have lives outside of WoW!