Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

it sounds like they love 40 man raids :expressionless:

They did add a new dungeon i dont remember DFC being in classic

are some people seriously expecting new lvl 60 content :expressionless: lol. all you’re getting is the standard lvl 60 raids. they won’t waste development time on anything new.


but we think it ultimately works best as a soda-and-pretzels type of content.

This was directly tied to the announcement of MC being 20m, and Ony+WBs being 40m fitting under the soda-and-pretzels type of content.

Granted, you’re just here to troll as your response indicated so this is probably a moot effort.

please explain in detail what “soda-and-pretzels content” is supposed to mean :expressionless:

Just block them. The forum is a better experience without :expressionless:


Yeah their last response showed they’re not worth responding to.


Could we get some info regarding raid sizes? BWL 40 or 20? ZG 20 or 10?



I just wanna know what :cup_with_straw: and :pretzel: content is :expressionless:

couldnt have said it better, at this point i don’t think anyone even wants to do bwl/zg/aq/naxx, what happened to new raids, kara was teased pre p1, where is it?

Because SoD is not SoM.

You want a repeat of Sunken Temple where it’s absurdly overtuned because 0 testing?

no but why don’t they internally test this? they are a multi billion dollar company, don’t use paying customers as free labour

Because you can get way more data by letting players test.

When they “internally tested”, we got ST which was hideously overtuned.

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every company in the world does beta testing with customers…

He just wants to complain to complain just ignore him. People like that will never be happy with anything. Nothing is never enough

yes but you’re only supposed to do that after a thorough round of internal alpha testing… which blizzard does not do :expressionless:

Shouldnt u be on cata or era :neutral_face:

They already know the mechanics, they had SoM. You’re right SoD isn’t SoM, yet that didn’t stop them from using SoM mechanics for MC already.

That’s all they’re doing this time, so why are we PTRing this? When they PTR’d phase 4, they used a dummy raid boss not even MC. They did the PTR because they wanted to test out runes to make sure they weren’t op.

Which funny enough it showed that Rogues and Hunters and Shamans were absolutely busted. I guess they made changes to make them less-

OH WAIT, THEY DIDNT DO THAT AT ALL. It launched with broken classes and Shamans ARE STILL A HERO CLASS.

AB/WSG are both dead, PVP servers are lop sided again because Alliance are fleeing a million miles per hour because Shamans are horde locked and destroying alliance players 5v1. Meanwhile Alliance have paladins that are wait for it.

Near the bottom of all logs because their dps is dog.

Please please please limit them to 20-man.


Christ man… We haven’t even seen half the semi good drops from MC and only like 1 of the actual good ones… Druids/warriors/rogues are still at like 2 or 3 pieces of tier each. This is a little soon.

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