Season of Discovery – Ashenvale PvP Changes December 7

So when you die in Ashenvale we have to take Rez sickness because running back to our body is not an option. Just in hopes to tag a boss to get Rep. Why aren’t there Rez spawns when the Event starts? This event is still not about PvP and is just very inconvenient. Wish they just remove Rep at this point.

No shot did you hit revered already through legitimate means.


Most players aren’t even Friendly or have mounts. It nearly impossible to get honored much less Revered.

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Yet you typed everyone instead of every1, how curious.

It shouldn’t be.

not sure what youre replying to, but this makes zero sense.
Also, read the changes that went live 2hrs ago. might help your issue.

I have 0 professions and almost 2k HK, 24k honor last week, 18k honor this week.

And every Ashen event that starts up is right next to the WSG queue.

The legitimate means is called being a n3rd no lifer.

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GOOD. The way it was set up before basically made the optimal way to “play” the event was to AFK near the enemy faction leader and take a pot shot at him right when your friendly raid rolled up, so you’d be one of the first 40 to “tag” him and gain the reputation. I’m glad the changes now encourage full participation in the event.

It makes perfect sense and after writing this I made a thread about it here.

I just did Ashenvale how do the changes help anything I said. They need to have respawn points for players to get back into the Event. Ashenvale still has masive problems. It really needs to be Instanced to fix most of them and provide good fair PvP.

They need to take the Wintergrasp approach and everyone starts together in a starting Area and if it’s 120 vs 40 the other side gets Tenacity buff.

Also maybe…just maybe. The Bosses shouldn’t give Rep. You should get Rep for PvPing against other players.

Not when the rune that actually makes pvp doable is locked behind that grind? if they put flagellation which is just a buff whenever you pop blood rage would be fine its like an optional flavor but they knew what they were doing putting a better charge there even tho locks are busted af and mages can solo dungeons already but im asking for to much for wanting to be able to zug zug in combat?

I think they are making a lot of positive changes

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Continent wide layering is a failure for this event. You need to do Ashenvale specific and separate sharding.

I hate being in freaking Ashenvale in a bad layer where the other faction way out numbers you. This happens all the time on PvP servers because layering is useless for zone-specific faction balance.

Your server faction balance plan is useless for this as well. Who cares if the factions are somewhat balanced on the server if a specific layer in a specific zone is way out of balance?

IE: I was going through Ashenvale doing my water totem quest on a Shaman alt. Alliance won in 6-7 minutes in that layer. Horde downed NOTHING in that time and then I just see dozens of alliance everywhere in the zone and hardly any horde. This is on a PvP server.

There is value in both formats honestly. I generally like to solo queue, but when I was ranking back in classic relaunch, I basically had to pre-made in order to optimize honor farming. Now that everyone can rank easily, you don’t have to pre-made to rank or play the game. The population size is absolutely large enough to facilitate both solo/duo/group/raid queus for war song gulch. We could even incentivize group queues with small honor bonuses, so people that want to pre-made will have a legitimate incentive to fight other pre-mades in this system, rather than incentvizing PUG stomping as is currently.

Give us:

  1. Solo Queue (solo/maybe duo to give some flexibility here for queue times). Standard honor rates apply.
  2. Group Queue (5 man) 5% honor boost.
  3. Raid Queue (10 man) 10% honor boost.
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Which is a problem. Premade shouldn’t be a requirement and it’s also not fun. That’s what Rated BGs are for where you fight other Premades for rating. Regular BGs should be random and organic.

Agree and there also should be a 20-24 bracket. The 10-19 bracket is the best PvP then you basically have to stop when you ding 20 until you hit 25 and have 1k+ HP. The overall BG experience should be fun in each Bracket.

Once Solo Que is also an option a large majority will do that which means Premades will get matched against Premades. I also imagine that would make for good battles and maybe even fun to watch if someone is streaming that.

Absolutely not!! I’ll just quit now. I don’t want to be in a Premade. Nor should they EVER EVER be incentivized. They should be penalized. Premades are for Rated BGs. Players that Solo Que should get more Honor being that it’s more difficult.

LOL no it’s not. Just type the extra 2 letters you troglodyte.

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Love to see these changes! Definitely an improvement!

Any news/updates on banning bots in a more timely manner? It’s been over a week and the same toons are still farming 24/7. Either there is a TOS or there isn’t. Permanently ban these accounts more frequently than every 3 months in a banwave. Or at the very least, disable trading, mail and chat on these accounts.

Something has to be done and it’s offensive that Blizzard allows this to continue to happen when it’s so obvious and in our faces.

Other than that SoD has been a blast!

This is the big problem right now, people with fast mounts will kill these mobs before walkers can reach and tag them, so everyone that’s still on foot is not getting the rep.


They’re just now implementing solo que rbgs in retail this season and I’ve gotta say it’s been a huge W!

I would definitely like to see a solo que feature in SoD as well, they’ve proven the technology exists and works in retail so I can’t imagine it would be too overly difficult to use in classic

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Yea but solo Que should be for regular BGs. While I do think it helps players get into Rated PvP. With that said Rated PvP and Arena ruined PvP in WoW. MMORPG PvP should focus on large scale battles.

Anyone else find it weird that the rep you get for turning in the quest item from the event gives Iron Forge rep instead of say Darnasus or Sliverwing Sentinels?