Season 4 was worse than I predicted

Fix the difficulty issue? Not everything is supposednto be easy lmao yall just want it handed to you. Study your rotation, get some gear, git gud, idk

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+2 is supposed to feel like about a 14-16 from last season

Get gear is the number one solution to be honest. Every season is the same thing, except last one that was way too easy off the start. In a week or two people are gonna be back to flying through them and complaining they’re too easy to gear.

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Well luckily enough me and my group did ruby life +2 last night as you can see on my profile. Didnt time it

2s are supposed to be the entry point into m+

Wiped on the second boss and the last boss. Had over 19 deaths

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Make the gear or rewards for heroics matter and people will do them. Sadly people wont, because gear from m0 immediately invalidates anything from heroic, why waste time?

I’ve been tanking 0s and 2s. I don’t see the problem.

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10s were harder than this, by a LARGE margin.

2 in season 4 = 20 in season 3. I am thinking of quitting the game
 like i was wiping 0 with bunch of 477s in the group. Imagine having to do MECHANICS in 0. Blizzard is making me “try” in 0. Nah, quit the game.

Great points all.

I think this compression is going to sift a lot of players out of M+ completely.

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They increased the difficulty on the same day they nerfed several healing specs. I want to know in what world making us weaker at the end of an expansion feels fun.

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I’m finding healing fairly easy outside of one or two specific fights through +5s.

You are just bad at the game.

You know what’s even better? Pretending M+ doesn’t exist and not even doing them.

Not even close to correct.


Yes basically season 3 again but now we have to get the same gear as last season. Same exact rewards every season for the top players and nothing under it either.

1st week of S4. It’s not unusual for a new season to hit harder the 1st couple or weeks as the player base gears up.

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This comparison keeps changing and I’m amused each time.

Two weeks ago: “It’s supposed to feel like a 10 when it changes.”
Last Tuesday: “It’s supposed to feel like a 13.”
Today: “It’s supposed to feel like a 14-16.”

Wonder what it will be next week.

I think we should stop saying “it’s supposed to feel like X” and, more accurately, just say “in reality it does feel like X” because at this point I feel safe saying they didn’t communicate how the difficulty would change very accurately and either missed the mark or had intentions that didn’t match what was stated.

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Probably like an 8 or something, since we’ll have gear.

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And it will be “intended” to have felt that way all along because, for some, it does?

New season always comes with a huge scale up. At same equivalent gear, season 4 +2 will be a +12. That’s what it’s supposed to be. Now what throws those numbers out is the fact that the affixes were moved up. A 12 with just tyrannical is really easy. Hence, I think a 8 from season 3 cause the damage and hp are still up.

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