Season 4 was worse than I predicted

My guild in vanilla took basically anyone with a pulse because getting 40 people consistently isn’t that easy.

We made it about halfway through AQ40.

Literally starting out in +12s this season.

So stop blaming “elitists” or whatever.

You said “the old days”. To some that means legion. To some wotlk.

So you are saying that raiding is less “epic” because it is more accessible?

Not sure I have ever heard anyone make that sorta statement.

For what? A week or two? Until people get geared enough to move out of it? Then it’ll be dead again anyway.

The thing that will solve M0 (or that playstyle) would be to make a new mythic track that simply doesn’t have a timer, but still scales up in difficulty.

For people who climb, yes. But people starting out, don’t just jump into +12’s like they’re forced to with season 4. And generally the 2K crowd might start the new season at in a +8-10 because that’s the equivalent of a +15 in the previous season. So they would be doing content that they’re geared for.

Taking that away simply makes getting into M+ harder for no reason. Keeping the lower progression tiers is important for… progression.

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Yes, and I’ll tell you why. Nobody wants or asked for heroics or M0 to be harder. They’re not fun. They’re not the M+ progression system that we enjoy playing. (Even the people who don’t want timers don’t want to be stuck in one single difficulty that is M0. They still want progression and the dungeon to get harder as you get better. They just don’t like the timer)

Yes, Blizz wants us to do heroics, and then go into M0, but it’s not the same thing as doing mythic plus dungeons. People want to jump into the content they’ve already been doing in the previous season.

Jacking that difficulty up straight to a +12 wasn’t the answer.

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It’s all my fault. People said they wanted meaningful dungeon runs and I said the only way to achieve that in modern WoW would be to completely gut the classes or just bump up the difficulty.

My bad, everyone.

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2 to 10 was the lowest set of keys run overall, all it did was inflate system

Once people realize heroic is part of the gearing process again, itll be fine

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It’s week 1. You’re probably still in S3 gear. If you step into avoidable damage, you die. That’s more or less how M+ works, the good thing about this season is that the number of “You didn’t interrupt, everyone dies” mechanics is a lot lower this season which means we can see the rise of the caster meta as we are no longer shackled by the utility of melee interrupts.

Such as? I’m looking through my adventure log and it seems like all the bosses have the same mechanics between heroic and m0. Are there any examples? The only thing I can seem to find is more of an emphasis on some mechanics being more deadly in m0.

Some things do hit like a truck but I haven’t got 1 shot on anything. I think it could be tuned down a tad because the 10 level jump is a big much when it’s always been 5 levels at the start of a new season. Add to this it’s instances we haven’t ran in a year or so. So many people missing mechanics that a wipe just happens. It’s rough on people who don’t have 15+ gear from last season or people starting new toons.

My experience in a normal raid full clear and LFR no pally tokens for tier. Not a single one
The normal raid was all the same mage hunter token…

Can already tell I’ll be relying on vault and catalyst AGAIN…

I mean, i haven’t done heroic in so long i dont know personally, all I’m going off of is the fact that blizzard flat out said heroic would be m0 difficulty without mythic mechanics lol, I’m also not home to easily check myself

Yeah, you couldn’t possibly be wrong. +2’s are definitely impossible.

Not all bosses will have extra mechanics on mythic, but for example, Overgrown Ancient in AA spawns little adds. On mythic these leave behind a stacking dot (poison). While on normal and heroic they do not. Usually mechanics that only appear on certain difficulties will have a skull next to them. White skull = Heroic, purple skull = Mythic.

If a mechanic works differently, it would either have the skull next to it, or have additional text in red detailing the change. An example of this is Bromach in Ulduman. The ability, Tremor has additional text in red saying, “On mythic difficulty, Tremor only affects troggs within 8 yards”. Tremor is the stun that happens when you kill the totem.

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there’s no forum rule that people must agree with you.

I’ve tanked keys (on a guardian druid) ranging from 2-6 over the past two days. I’ve done every dungeon except uldaman and … I simply disagree with the premise that they’re overtuned.

2’s are not hard. at all. if you are coming into them with the gear you had last season in which you hit 3k, this isn’t a problem with the dungeons.


The first couple of weeks of every new season is like this. It’s normal.

Weird season all around, i got all 8 done, one +10 uldman overtime bcs bosses are just brutal, and one +9 nokhud we would of timed if last boss didnt 1 shot with spear. All in all i dont know what to say about this season, if 10 is new 20 this is really a fail on Blizz part, i know when everyone gets closer to bis gear people will run through 10s. On another note dungeons are awfull to go through, every boss feels like its sapping time from key intentinaly. Nothing fun in fights except 2 mechanics and hit boss.

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Sounds like there’s a fairly sizable portion of the playerbase that was running m+ previously that really shouldn’t have been. Hopefully this will mean more players in the heroic and m0 pool.

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It’s nearly like dungeons are scaled higher this season. Which is a good thing

Mythic dungeons last season were way too trivial. Everyone’s io was inflated because any man and his dog could time 20+’s.

Not to mention the ilvl difference now