Season 4 was worse than I predicted

I 1-shot it earlier.
Curiously enough the same group tried to AoE down Broodkeeper + adds… go figure.

And wipes are fine in m0, they should be expected.
I miss wiping in heroics too.

The times ive done it personally its been 2 shot, my wife keft one last night though that was on try number 5 and still hadnt gotten past the split platforms lol

Me and my friend did our first keys of the patch we did like 5 keys alternating between mine and hers and we timed all of them ending off on +5.

It was easy enough but I havent done all the dungeons yet so im sure there are some overtuned bosses.

Eh, Uldaman I think is a bit long, but we also have RLP which is very short.

I do think RLP is a short dungeon done right. It’s short, but also quite intense.

Halls to me only feels really long if you’re wiping a few times.

Ye RLP is great might be my favorite dungeon this patch.

Even after all the qol changes to halls i still think its the worst m+ dungeon ever made long or not but thats just me.


I dont find halls that bad honestly, its just long, we always skip frog packs though

But halls has the 3rd boss which has been my favorite as a healer. It’s the boss that actually let healers stretch their healing legs.

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yA gONnA cAtcH yA dEatH

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A part of me is happy that lady is back. Was previously my “lets test this new set up” benchmark.

If I ever changed anything healwise on my end, it was always time to do halls.

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They literally gave the people what they wanted, low key with no timer. The complete opposite of gatekeeping.

I can deal with long dungeons neltharus and nokhud are crazy long and i can appreciate them for what they are.

Im not too fond of uldaman tbh i dont know why but it just isnt good to me.

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Its their voices…

Its always their voices.

I think 489 or 490 something.

M0 doesn’t have any special mechanics other than being tuned harder then heroic.

You don’t get new mechanics, a kill count to meet, or the timer until you enter +2.

Razzy’s voice lines are part of the reason she’s my favorite boss of the expansion.

“Touch this altah with your powah!”

I’ve only done 3 keys so far this season, a +2 and two +4s, but they were very easy. In a couple of the keys there was one player who died repeatedly because they kept standing in mechanics, but even with that we +2 those two keys, and +3 the one where nobody did that. So I don’t agree that +2 keys are balanced too hard. If anything they are too easy. Seems like a +2 this season is way easier than a +12 last season.

I think it’s fine so far. Having fun.

Bad tanks are not prepared though :joy:. Pulling whole rooms like they did a week ago and having a bad time.

Just did a 9 azure. It was easy af. When you have the “players” it is a breeze, but when one is a rotten egg it is a gg.
So it is a player issue. It is the early gearing issue.
Some spells are punishing waaay more than they should. I agree but it is a skill issue at this point.

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And yet that happened anyway, despite no one specifically asking for this. Just as no one was asking for group loot but it was implemented.

There was, back in vanilla. Maybe read what I wrote. If you wanted to raid in vanilla, you needed to belong to the right kind of guild and be friends with the right people. I know you needed to change that, but it’s still true that’s how it was, and that’s what players were saying made raiding more epic.

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I’d say a +2 now in current gear is about what a +15 was in S3 (in terms of difficulty at 490 ilvl). I’m sure once people get an extra 36 ilvl plus having all their raid BiS, it’ll be as easy as ever. If you’re going into m+2 and you’re not at least mythic ilvl from last tier, you’re undergeared and probably going to have a bad time.