Season 4 was worse than I predicted

They are designed to do at heroic gear item level

Heroic drops go up to lile 480, starting at what… 476?

Is that indicated anywhere in the game?

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By the fact that m0 comes after heroic, yes
Its called progression.

You generally are supposed to do normal raid before heroic too

Heroics drop 476

You can upgrade them to 480 something though

What if we all got loot base on a monster hunter scoring system?

S++ you get super sweet loot for being super good at button mashing

You’re once again missing the point. When people at 460 are facerolling Heroics and people at 470 are having difficulty getting through M0, there’s a larger gap than there should be in the difficulty.

But all you want to do is be condescending and not look at reality and logic because of your “lol git gud” mentality. So this isn’t even worth a conversation with you.

Just going to put this here one more time for people to see:

The difficulty is currently scaled like this:

N ------ H ------------------ M ---- +2

I think it needs to be more like:

N ---------- H ---------- M -------- +2

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I mean, if people are struggling at 470 they really need to look how to improve themselves. People are doing +12s and 13s already, sure its the best of the best, but maybe everything doesnt need to be super easy

What youre proposing would be back to making m0 useless again

They are designed and scaled to be done in heroic gear, so about a 476 ilvl

Upping the difficulty of Heroic more and lowering M0 a smidge isn’t making anything useless. Maybe pay attention to what I actually posted instead of making crap up.

But thanks for once again proving my point. Have a better day.

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Problem is with upping heroic more is its designed to be done in normal/world gear, so likely lower than what people currently have, more like 445-450 gear

I dont know why people refuse to believe that they could be part of the issue, it HAS to be the gear. Yet people are doing more in less gear

I’ll explain this one last time: 460 drops from Normal dungeons and world content was giving higher. So no, that isn’t a problem. And once again, Heroics are faceroll at 460. Literally a faceroll. You can stand in absolutely everything and take no damage. Healers aren’t even necessary.

If you can’t comprehend “scaling way too low in Heroic for proper ilevel and scaling a tad too high in M0 for proper ilevel” then that’s a you problem. Fix it without me.

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m0 is very easy atm, it does not need to be simplified.
It should at most get some HP nerfs to enemies, since that’s all they’ve become, huge HP sponges.
m+2 is another hp sponge fest.

Prior to season 4, my bf and I were doing Dawn of the Infinite M0 2-person. This change was definitely needed, it was beyond trivial before.

You sound angry, maybe you should nust take a break from the game or something.

Most people find m0 to be no issue

No one asked for it to be simplified.

A smidge too high on damage output, too, but not too much.

But again, Heroics are literal facerolls at proper ilevel. That needs to be brought up more. More than M0 would need to be brought down.

Youre also forgetting heroics are queable, so in general they have to be somewhat easier as you cant pick your team

Don’t gaslight me. There is zero anger here. I’m giving logical constructive feedback. You’re just insulting people.

I’m done with you.

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Im insulting no one, im just stating the simple fact that sometimes people refuse to look at themselves as part of the problem.

When multiple people tell you there is no issue doing m0 at 460 and you still insist they are too hard, theres really only one option, try and improve yourself

Uh… m0 should be queueable too IMHO.
Just set a higher minimum ilvl.

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Idk, people still cant do lfr raz lol