Season 4 is basically testing grounds for Destiny model in WoW

silly fox… that is an entire raid. ;D

the way i read it is all the raids would be relevant. that doesn’t make them required.

the Pro Gen affix for the raid imo, seems like they mean to alter some of the mechanics of the fight or add in a mechanic. prob similar to a seasonal affix in M+ not the extra normal affixes that rotate out each week.

so, imagine having encrypted mobs. could be some added haste or stats or speed in the encounters.

There’s a difference between making old good content relevant and making old bad content relevant.

I’m just a wow player :man_shrugging:
Saying wow is like another game means nothing to me :rofl:
Unless that game came out before 2007 I probably haven’t played it.


If it is relevant it will be required at least by the big head min/max crowd. But what does that mean? That means that it will be required by the “I’m not actually a high end player I just like to copy them and make my guild do what they do” players.

If Blizz is trying to be funny and using “relevant” to not mean “gear upgrades” and instead just means “on par difficulty wise” then they will be in for a surprise with how popular that content is :laughing:

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So we moved from ragefire chasm and stockades to this expansion when speaking about the validity of recycling old content?

Not quite the same thing eh?

Then do it…who is stopping you ?

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Some people just love to be heard and love to cry… combine the two and that’s a good portion of the people that post on these forums.

This is an interesting point. If old raids become new ish content, that means that super limited time or rare mounts and transmogs will be easier to obtain, which is another win for the community.

I completely agree here. Old content should only be filler, it shouldn’t be the actual content of an expansion, it should be supplemental.

it is a symptom of a bigger problem…

Blizzard is trying to keep the boat floating re-using older content… they’ve used Classic, and BC, next is Wrath. Then after that?

Not to worry, if your favorite, or dreaded Raids and Dungeons are not included this time, wait for next time.

Once upon a time, Warcraft created the revenue, which Blizz used to create other games.
Now it seems Warcraft hardly supports itself. Activision rolled with it, will Microsoft?

Ironically, I play less this expansion because they made old raids harder to solo. I’ve spent the bulk of this expansion unsubbed.

I’m confused.

You first say “I would rather have the usual winding-down period we get at the end of each expansion”

Then say “A raiding guild that stops raiding is a raiding guild that dies.”

Like arnt you saying opposite things here? Like you want a break but then say you dont because a raiding guild has to raid?

Also my raiding guild takes a break at the end of every tier but we are also super excited for Season 4 raiding.

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In the meantime, they will abandon the idea of retaining any player base of any kind whether it’s casual or hardcore. Who wants to do recycled content forever? No one. Where’s the content for casuals. It doesn’t actually exist anymore.

Idgi weren’t you all complaining that raids become irrelevant as the expansion goes on like 2 weeks ago

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FF14 has no need to do this, moreover it would be extremely detrimental to how they’ve built up their game. In FF14 all the content is always relevant in some way. Even if it’s just doing roulettes for currency.

As long as it wasn’t just one dungeon it wouldn’t be bad, it should be all of them :wink:

But better question: would you run them with original level appropriate abilities (FWIW this is impossible now in WoW given the level squish).

I’m not seeing a lot of enthusiasm in my normal/heroic group honestly. Quite a few were not fans of some of the old bosses for a variety of reasons. I really don’t want to deal with Denthrius again as a tank.

They already destroyed the ability to really do this properly when they did the squishes and chromie time. Because now all content is supposed to scale to 50… which it doesn’t. In many cases the content does not scale down. Which is a major problem. I’m not communicating this well because it’s early when I write this and I’m tired. But yeah… they messed this up bad in 7.3.5 with the introduction of scaling.

Rage Fire Chasm (Hard): Korkron grunts seem to have gone off the deep end it looks like the horde will need the help of a group of adventurers to clear them out and take back the underhalls.

There’s a phase at the end of the expansion where you’re farming the current raid. You still raid, but there’s no stress to prog content.

Whereas with this new paradigm, there would be no farm phase as you’d be progging the raids all over again.

You can’t just say you won’t prog again or your raiders who want to prog will leave for another guild.

It’s basically the scenario of gluttony - if you can’t control your eating, your only solution is to not have food in the house, even if it means others starve.

Note that I absolutely disagree with Brewa but that’s the underlying logic.

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I’m actually really okay with this. IDK why it’s an issue, so long as we still get new content to add into the mix.

My only request is that they give the same sort of love to the LFD tool, and maybe throw M0 in there. Heroic is a pointless difficulty.

People think this will somehow take all of the development away from future content. In reality, a pretty small skeleton team can make this whole thing happen… The entirety of the raids/dungeons are already there - the area is built, the boss’s are already fully designed… everything is done. You just need a small team to tune it up to new iLvl’s and such.

I personally am happy they’re doing this, rather than just leaving some huge content drought before 10.0. I think bringing back old dungeons is cool, and tbh, I wish they’d bring back older raids. Would be cool to see some old raids be made current again - even if they’d be a lot easier now.

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They have redone instance before, like Upper Blackrock spire during Cataclysm. Also, the open world is being revamped when it becomes relevant again like in Arathi Highlands, Stranglethorn Vale, and the Barrens. Apparently, you get excited with trying to compare this game to another in a bad way, just saying.

You realize they have been creating less dungeons and raids right? :joy:

Nothings getting redone though. It’s the EXACT same dungeons and raids but with an extra mechanic or two.

Destiny model is a play one game only model and there is lot to do for casuals . But for hardcore it will be a pain you have to pvp to pve and vice versa .

Both sides will be mad at each other all the time .