Seems like the guy who leaked WoW is going to use the Destiny model is true. Constantly recycling old raids and dungeons like Destiny does. Slapping higher item levels on stuff from old content saying its new while releasing less and less actual new content.
The players are farming mythic+
But soon
Mythic+ will be farming the players
The irony, of course, being that they’re doing this during a period (end of expansion content drought) where there has traditionally been precisely zero new stuff added to the game until the next xpac’s pre-patch.
But who am I to stop the doomsayers from having their fun.
I think it’s a good idea to somehow make existing content relevant for gearing. I think it can help breathe life into the game.
If it comes at the cost of new content though, I’m not certain how worth it the trade-off would be… but at least they’d eventually reach a point where there’s no longer any old content to make relevant again.
I would love to run old toned down raids with AI.
It was obvious this was the model when they quite literally started calling PvE portions of the game “seasons”.
It’s an unsustainable model for primarily-PC games as evidenced by Diablo 3 becoming a ghost town 10-12 days after their new seasonal patches.
If they tried to make this the future of the game to ease development costs (They won’t - it’s a stop gap so they can work on the next expansion they desperately need to succeed), it’d spell the absolute end of the game.
Don’t believe me? Just watch how low the population gets 3 weeks after this patch. There’s a reason that they moved past the “go do old raids” stuff a decade ago. It gets boring.
Blizzard: works on new content and lets drought drag on
Players: “Nothing to do, blizzard is dead, weeks of ilvl cap, SLAP in the FACE”
Blizzard: adds something new to the game
Players: “Game is dead, only caters to hardcore now, it’s a slap in the face”
To be fair it’s the old content that seems to have gripped people. I don’t mind it.
They should update most/all the old content.
This is a good first step.
Have to give credit where credit is due.
Why bother making new content when they can just recycle old stuff, right?
I think people wanting us to be incentivized to do Ragefire Chasm or Stockades are nuts.
I want vanilla/cata M+ like revamped deadmines. I think that’d be a hoot and a half. Especially since the heroic version has a boss that no one ever sees anymore.
I am a huge fan of this new feature. I cannot wait to clear the content on higher complexity. I thoroughly enjoyed all the raids this expansion. More content in the form of options for gearing one’s character are always a good thing.
This patch? Where old raids and dungeons aren’t included in the season?
They started calling them seasons in M+ because the main affix, as well as the affix rotation, changes with a new patch. What else would they call it that would be acceptable to you?
I think there’s some merit to watering old content to keep it relevant. I don’t think it’s an excuse to not put out new content though.
Like timewalking seasons. I think there’s a very important balance to strike though. There’s a LOT of content in WoW. Like an insane amount.
I like the idea of going back and running OG Karazhan tuned to current difficulty. Like that sounds awesome. (Didn’t play remake Karazhan m, so I’m reserving judgement). But, I don’t want to have to do Saurfang every week forever at the start of a new season for Deathbringers Will or for gods sake the dragon spine trophy and it’s 0.2% drop chance.
There’s got to be a balance. New season should be about new content, though. If every season gets a .5 that opens up old stuff for variety, after the RWF and HoF are full, and it’s applied across difficulties, then it’s probably ok?
There’s a good way to do it, like when they redid Onyxia’s Lair during Wrath. But it should be a small side thing like that. Not an entire raid.
Raiding (and especially the social aspect of raiding) is the primary reason I play this game, but the notion of the 31-boss raid tier we’re getting in season 4 makes me want to throw up.
Then just…I don’t know…keep running Sepulcher for 7 months like you would have been doing at the end of the expansion anyway. Problem solved?
Going to be funny when games like FFXIV and all other mmos start doing that too once they see how successful it will be with WoW. You do realize people have been saying for many years “Make old content viable again”. Here Blizzard does and people like the OP cry about it. And people wonder why Blizzard doesn’t listen to people.
Also, how exactly is it a bad thing? You make it seem like the devs are going to cut back on new raids/dungeons because of this. They will be creating the same amount of raids and dungeons next expansion just like every other expansion.
Last thing. If something works for one game, why not use it for your game? I mean, FFXIV is using a dungeon finder which WoW did first. Not sure if they do a LFR also since I don’t play it. Plenty of other mmos do that now also to where it is standard now for MMOs. New World didn’t add it and that was a huge complaint to where they are going to be adding one now.
The people who say that are people who don’t play the game much. People who actually play the game in depth are quite done with content by the time it’s run its course.
For example, I feel no sense of loss about Blizzard not incentivizing me to run Ragefire Chasm every week. I’m GLAD that I’m not incentivized to run Ragefire Chasm every week. Repeat ad nauseum for other old content, too.
Will 60 be the new Chromie Time after Shadowlands?
It is entirely possible that they cut back on WoW’s development time and resources as the game continues to age with fewer people playing. Only time will tell.