Season 4 is basically testing grounds for Destiny model in WoW

I think they’ve already cut back, seems clear enough.

The mass exodus to unsub and wait out the content drought will happen well before Season 4, to which this 4 won’t bring back many.

Its already getting hard to log in… I played out the questline Tuesday, otherwise I’ve only logged in 1 day of the last 5. It’s spring, and the game isn’t as interesting as sunshine.

Or in my case, tornados.

Fine with it.

Make old content relevant. Give players more stuff to do.

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Keep your head down.
The tornados didn’t get this far south in Texas, plenty of wind and rain… my 2 big fur babies don’t like the thunder, practically sleep under me. Smiles

We’re looking at probably 16 months now until the next expansion, since seasons are typically 8 months long.

People asked for Wrath type one boss raids. They could’ve added achievements, mounts, pets, transmog, toys and gear to a few new ones, reusing Toghast assets.

But the most concerning part is this:

Thus, the Destiny model concern.


It’s probably because it feels like they are focusing on PVE end game only and, without news to the contrary, that leaves a lot of players feeling left out.


So…then don’t participate in it?

I don’t understand your logic on this, at all. You say that Raiders (presumably yourself as well) don’t want anything to do with this because you’re going to be “forced” to run SoD all over again for gear that, what, is going to be replaced when the next expansion drops?

Season 4 is, and bear with me on this one, supposed to be something to do for fun to pass the time until the expansion drops. You’re not gunning for world firsts, you’re not shooting for some kind of hall of fame, you’re doing this because you want to.

As the other poster stated, it’s one of those “Woudn’t it be neat if you could have this trinket, with this weapon, with this tier set, all at the same ilvl?”. If you don’t want that, then just don’t do it. There’s literally no difference in you NOT doing Season 4’s raiding and Mythic+ season, then if Blizzard added absolutely nothing between now and the next expansion.

You know, except for the fact that now people have an option to do something instead of just twiddling their thumbs, and having nothing to do in WoW if they decide to log in other than level an alt.

I swear, some of you guys seem to have forgotten that video games are meant to be fun.


A raiding guild that stops raiding is a raiding guild that dies. And dead raiding guilds don’t come back to life at the spirit healer.

If Blizzard wants to kill off a good portion of what raiding guilds still remain in the game, this is a great way to do it.

Sounds more like you’re in a crappy guild that forces you to raid because “That’s the only reason we stay together”.

The guild I’m in right now actively raids Normal and Heroic, and usually takes long stretches of breaks between tiers and the end of each expansion, and has no problems coming back together whenever a new tier launches because, you know, we’re all actually friends and enjoy playing together.

So, again, this sounds more like a “you” problem, and not an “us” problem.



You weren’t going to be raiding whether this was a thing or not lol. The only thing this announcement does is make sure everyone knows they are in for a long, long content draught.

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I would honestly prefer something like FF14’s roulettes where they just scaled everything up, and let you run em for things like tokens you can turn into gear. I love the idea that old content is playable at a decent level, but I don’t love the idea doing things just for gears sake. As a catchup and something fun to do, sure, but my worry is that it will start to replace actual new content more and more often. I’ve seen it happen in other games, it’s not pleasant. :frowning:

I’m not a Mythic + person. Running the same things over and over for better gear doesn’t interest me. Gear is not a reward for me, gear is a stepping stone I need in order to do the things I like. WoW keeps trying to make the gameplay entirely about either competition, or gearing itself. These recent changes are a step to that. I hope it’s an addition rather than something that becomes the norm. I don’t play Diablo for long for a REASON. The whole season model where you just grind the same stuff for different gear rewards is so very boring. :frowning:


Apparently he was going to raid once a week till the new expansion dropped even when everyone’s 7th and 8th alts were all fully geared.

Odd I think personally, I also hate that he claims to be speaking for raiders because I am one and he doesnt speak for me. I will quite enjoy this new take on the end of expansion void.

Raid teams normally continue to raid in the last portion of each expansion, to clean up unfinished achievements and get everyone their mounts.


I mean it doesn’t make any sense. It’s not like the next expansion would be coming out sooner. If raiding guilds die without raiding, then raid with this new season because if this season didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be raiding until sometime next year and using that logic, your guild would die lol.

So you would be raiding through next year on a raid that should be cleared before 9.2.5?

The next expansion isn’t coming out any sooner, whether this next season exists or not.


At a reduced schedule, yes. A 31-boss raid tier (which is what Blizzard is doing in season 4) is not a reduced schedule, it’s a massively increased schedule. People use the end of an expansion to recharge their batteries for the next one; this will do the opposite and wipe everyone out.

If Denathrius reclaimed his Castle and we did Castle Nathria Redux as a 10-boss raid, that would be one thing. But a 31-boss raid tier is NUTS.

How is it an increased schedule? The bosses are all going to drop the same item levels, just pick one and go lol.


Anyone have a link to that 4chan leak ? I couldn’t find it and the forum post about it seems to be gone.

This isn’t something new to WoW. Been doing it since the Deadmines revamp, I mean, what do you thing Timewalking is??

There’s more to gear than item level, and a fist weapon from Pain Smith is vastly different from one off of Kael’thas, even if the ilvl is the same.

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You cant possibly fathom the idea that just because something is new doesn’t mean its good?