Season 4 is basically testing grounds for Destiny model in WoW

They’ve been doing that since they started releasing timewalking…

I think people who take the most extreme outlier example and then rebrand it to be some sort of standard that the people who disagree with them want are both nuts and deceitful.


Who the hell wants to do a 31-boss raid tier? Who the hell wants to spend another 8 months in Sanctum of Domination?

This entire concept is absurd. The only people who seem to like it are people who DON’T and WON’T raid, presumably because they’re excited by the notion of raiders hating something. My god, it’s covenants all over again.

Destiny has regular content updates every three months, with playable story elements. It also has no monthly fee, asking only $10 for each three month season. if WoW followed this plan, it would be a vast, vast improvement.

Nobody is forcing you.


I think this was their long-term plan, but they are accelerating it despite the rejection of Shadowlands by much of the playerbase (you know, the millions who up and quit) and massive employment issues, because this will be their last chance to turn wow from the biggest game in its genre into a tiny elite esports lobby game with a cult following, which is what devs have really wanted as their baby for years.


Most people will get tired of exclusively doing that so you get an issue of:

Sepulcher: retention issues because people are tired of it
Sanctum: upscaled sanctum gear (as all season 4 gear will be and has a chance to include dom sockets alongside tier) and mechanics that as I have seen on servers dropped raid pops
Nathria: likely good alternative as second/valid raid for people to run but psychologically they view it as “old”. I’m unsure if things from in there will be competitive with other tiers/m+ if all ilvl is the same.

People will most likely continue on in season 4 with sepulcher for like 2 months and then dump raiding going forward.

But its 31 bosses who drop the same ilvls so in theory you could either do all 31 or just target the ones you need for good upgrades.

I think it will be interesting to have a max ilvl warriors soul + Jaithys along with tier set.

At the moment its just some numbers retuning and mechanics updates to make the end of expansion deadzone smaller thus losing less people.

Sure its probably more annoying for mythic guilds compared to heroic ones as we will probably alternate by week so week 1 is CN week 2 SoD week 3 is SotFO week 4

I am curious as to if we get more tier bosses in the earlier raids or even different tier options.

I would assume this would become the norm for end of expansion seasons if its popular. Prevention of the drop out at the end of an expansion will likely cause improved player retention ongoing though.

You should read more posts from raiders, a LOT of raiders are saying they might just quit over this, since doing another 8+ months of Sanctum etc. isn’t anyone’s idea of fun.

Mythic raiders sure, but as a more casual heroic raider who dabbles in mythic when I have AoTC I personally think it will be fun to be able to alternate raids on different weeks and run a few dungeons I have never done on M+ before.

Remember that Mythic raiders arent everyone and in the end this is just extra content that we can do during a content drought no one is making you do it.


A ton already quit because the expansion is garbage, what’s a little more?

Then put all 31 bosses in LFR and leave it at that, where they can be accessed 2 to 3 at a time. Raiding guilds have had enough of needing to clear 5 other bosses to get to Painsmith even with the “skip” (which is barely a skip) unlocked.

Why restrict it to LFR? I would like to farm these updated raids on Heroic and probably even dabble in the mythic versions like normal.

I dont understand why just because you dont want to do this content that your pushing for it not to exist?

Some of us would be happy to have some interesting content during the drought

Because (a) LFR is already auto-broken into bite-sized chunks, and (b) the people who are in favor of this abomination are overwhelmingly people who don’t raid. The better question is: why foist such a ridiculous idea on the raiding playerbase, since raiders hate the idea?

Choose your adventure:

A) Why doesn’t WoW re-use old zones, dungeons, and raids! I miss them!
B) Why is WoW recycling old content? They are bleeding the fanbase dry for minimal work on their end.


There’s a pretty clear division between A & B, though. People who express viewpoint A are people who haven’t played the content much in the first place, whereas people in B camp have thoroughly explored the content and don’t want to do it again.

“I don’t like it so no real raider does.”

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I don’t care what they call them. I care about how they introduce new content, and the manner in which they do that. It’s why I don’t see this being more than a one off, and if anything - it’ll exist alongside new content releases in the future.

This model of seasonality in regards to PvE content is what we’re talking about here.

The feedback from raiding guilds is very negative.

It’s a small price to pay compared to the alternative (they waste time developing new content in an expansion with horrid systems). This is the “selfie patch” that led to Legion. They’re gonna have to suck it up.

It’s obvious that it’ll be a ghost town. And that’s fine - because I’d much rather they use this time to give us another 2-2.5 years of a GOOD expansion with a good foundation rather than try to build a nice house on top of a landfill. It benefits both of us - I don’t want to play another Shadowlands/BFA, and they can’t afford another one of either of those.