Or just keep a week the week to spend arena points before conversion like EVERY other season… They’re making a mess just to look for creative solutions when the simple one in front of them satisfies everything.
Did they allow solo queuing into arena while I wasn’t paying attention? Not everyone can find partners that easily, even if it’s just for points. And, even then, you still have to win 2 or 3 matches, 10 losses won’t yield anything as far as I know.
How convenient.
But then it’s ok for them to show up to the “low tier content” and decimate all those in their path? I don’t think so.
Are you going to compensate and reimburse me when I download the 70 gigs, pay for retail access, and find out the game doesn’t deliver what I want? I don’t think so.
You’re absolutely right. most do not want LFR in classic, even many of those that are pro LFD. I don’t expect the game to be catered around me specifically. Doesn’t hurt to ask though.
When you stop objectifying the subjective, then you would “get it”.
You implied it in your title when you felt you were “screwed” over. I felt a similar way when in season one, I spent all my arena points for 2 pieces of gear for the entire season when I could have saved up until the end of the season and bought more pieces at half price.
How? The people who did arena during S4 and bought gear during S4, got to use that gear during S4. You got it before they will. Being mad because someone else gets what you got, months later, is just childish gatekeeping.
Oh and OP… I had to disband my team last week and not earn a single arena point because of the consolidation.
If any1 deserves any compensation, it’s me.
It doesn’t sound to me like that’s the problem.
Yes, this might be the best solution. This is what they would do previously but after a season ended.
you’re describing something bannable.
That’s not the reason. You should read the paragraph below that rather than just the first sentence lol.
Agreed, that it’s really odd they’re not following the same post season mechanic they have every other season.
Yes, that’s very unfortunate for you.
I doubt that.
Is it easier to get higher rating on 5s? I thought that was just for points. I don’t need points, I have about 4k arena but I was planning to use those points to get weapon and shoulders.
Just to clarify, I have no problem with honor for S4, I have a problem that I’m being forced to convert my unused arena to honor, when I am already honor capped on multiple toons (thank you spirit towers). In all previous seasons there has been a grace period, so it’s reasonable (I think) to assume that the same system would be in place for this season as well. I already have all the non-rated pieces (outside of OS pieces), and I have plenty of points to get the weapon and shoulders using my arena points if it were treated the same way as in previous seasons.
I think I see what you’re saying now. You want to use your arena points while they are still arena points, if I’m comprehending correctly.
Yes, I meant do 5s or push 2s/3s.
5s gets SO many more points:
Final Arena Calculator: Rating Required For 1200 Points:
Final Arena Calculator: 2s Rating: 2083
Final Arena Calculator: 3s Rating: 1457
Final Arena Calculator: 5s Rating: 1274
Yes, that’s right. But it seems from the blue post that they will be forced converted to honor, which I don’t need as I’m already honor capped on multiple toons that currently have arena points (which currently can’t be spent because I have everything outside of the rated stuff).
So, what you’re saying is that there won’t be a grace period after the season ends to spend those points. In which, you may have a point.
I’d have to read this blue post myself though.
With prepatch in 2 weeks, no, most people don’t care anymore.
Any point prior? Yeah, pretty easily. Saw advertisements for it all the time.
It’s based off of rating, higher rating, more points, as well as what you q’d into to. 2’s awards the lowest, 5s the most, hence why there was ads for 5 mans for points.
It really isn’t hard to win one at a rating of 0.
It isn’t. I worked for 9 months or so to make this rogue as geared as possible until I hung up the towel for raiding. I didn’t get this overnight. Not my fault you’re on a dead server where you ask blizzard for bots for instances, but refuse to transfer but then talk about how you’re a consumer refusing to consume but wanting to consume.
Yes. Because the other is just outright gatekeeping players for the sole reason of checks notes they’re better geared.
Which is just absurd.
You already are. There is 0 classic subs as everyone who plays classic is paying for a retail sub which includes classic access in the retail sub.
Lucky for you I played retail till the end of SL S1, and I can tell you that most of what you want is indeed in that game.
Except you come in demanding and get defensive when no one agrees with you, and then you go make asinine comments about gatekeeping players because they played the game.
No, I would get it when you explain more than “its just more funner bro” and then follow that up with “I’m going to complain about every system in the game I find more funner bro.”
It’s why I asked, is it the story? I’m trying to figure out why you’re here but you’re responding like a dented brained 5 year old because mommy had to much fun juice and kept dropping you.
Here’s the blue post:
Didn’t honor cap change to 150k in WOTLK or am I misremembering? I am also at 5k arena points and 75k honor
I sure hope you’re right, but afaik, it stays the same.