Season 3 Mythic Plus will be currency starved

My main is a 2.5k balance/resto druid but okay lol

Im just trying to figure out how lowering a weekly cap is an attempt to increase engagement metrics.

Sounds good. Take care, friend.

imagine trying to be an elitest at 3052 lol

Im just surprised that at 3k they dont know about and alts

It doesn’t, that’s the thing. He’s making a big argument and dismissing every other view point, like one of those echo-chamber types.

I mean, he thinks Devastation is ‘meta’ so he probably only looks and goes, “Oh, number mean good!” with zero comprehension.


I’m glad to unite you guys as like-minded trolls intentionally misreading, not reading, resorting to inaccurate backhanded insults circumventing the social contract, who open your mouths on topics that don’t affect you (because you are casually below the cap). Some times the real rewards are the friends you make along the way :rainbow:

Thank you for the bumps, you are welcome to continue.

Backhanded insults? You mean every-other post you made including the OP?

Oh boy oh boy, can’t play the goodie-two-shoes when you complain about woe is you that you have to “carry bads” and aren’t rewarded enough for it in the OP. I feel pity for the healers and DPS that had to carry you, truly.

Though, how does it feel? Knowing that you do only one thing in the game and are still mediocre at it on the easiest class of the easiest role? I’m pretty sure that’s one definition of casual. Other people with more experience than you already laid out their counter-arguments and you conveniently skip over them because you’d rather bash people’s IO rating as if sub-title range is a badge of some sort. I have quite literally laid out math and you’ve ignored it. So… Willful ignorance? Mmkay.

Oh wait, I think I found the OP.

Might get slapped for this one but it’s funny and relevant to the topic at hand so it’s worth it. xD

So did you have anything more to say about my post here? You agree healers have it rough, so there are fewer, ruining the m+ experience for the community as a whole. Anything else other than padding my ego with your gishiness?

If I could dump crests and Flightstones into rep in a meaningful way when I fully gear out, would that hurt your feelings? Would you be against that because I said it?
How about renown and rep from dungeons and BGs like when systems were better in SL? Would reverting back to that system/currency relation to doing content make you see red again?
Let me know :slight_smile:

These are things I addressed in OP

like trying to rating shame some one’s alt and saying the healer section doesn’t pertain to them even though their main is a healer? And their main alt is another healer?

-Currency rot: Mostly solved with 10.2. You won’t have currency rot in Week 3 like S2. Several people already told you this, myself included. Having an excess later in the season is how WoW has been ever since Justice/Valor/Honor/Conquest were introduced. You need them until you don’t, and if you continue to engage in the content you will eventually have an excess.
-Healers have it rough? Yes, with you. The M+ experience isn’t ruined by a lack of healers, the RSS PvP experience is ruined by the lack of healers. The M+ experience is ruined by people who can’t lift their head off the ground or breathe through their nose who complain about carrying bads while ignoring all of their own faults.
-Crests and stones for rep? Frankly, I don’t really care about that part because the reps don’t matter. If they add it, whatever, I’ve just been converting it to gold since already maxed on renowns. They let people do it in S1 for pittances though I prefer the gold.
-Rep/renown from dungeons? Again, the rep/renown doesn’t matter so makes little sense why you’d want something from another pillar of the game without doing said pillar of the game but if that’s the hill you want to die on to get something to boost your Ingenuity-crafted gear, more power to ya.
Systems were not better in Shadowlands but each time you say that proves that you aren’t paying attention and have the memory of a goldfish.

Ok, I apologize, these things don’t matter to you- but holistically, do you think going back to rep/renown from dungeons and BGs would be a boon for QOL generally speaking, or is it objectively better to have removed that in DF, effectively gatekeeping it behind world content to draw out arbitrary metrics, “engagement”, and hopefully sub length? Holistically.

BGs should give BG rep, renown can come from the little victory boxes in the tokens as I’m pretty sure they do already, but you don’t engage in that content so you wouldn’t know.

Dungeons giving renown only reaches the point of, “What renown will you get for doing Waycrest manor?” Unless you are talking about going all the way back to Cata rep tabards but for Dragonflight. Which… Is kind of something they haven’t gone back to for YEARS so is unlikely it is something they would want to do. Or… You know, doing the weekly dungeon quest that gives you rep already. Only thing is, those are for Heroic dungeons that people can speed-run as a DPS solo. So, you can get your renown from dungeons, just not M+ ones.

Different pillars, and all.

Something something shoving as many buzzwords as you can in a single post.

Sorry, so that was a yes, or a no?

To explain things: Dungeons already reward renown so there isn’t a yes or no question when what you ask for already exists. It just doesn’t apply to people who don’t understand the system.

Though, again, it isn’t a QoL thing you are asking for. You are asking for things you won’t use/don’t need because you want it just because and you’d blame “time played metrics” for not giving you trivial/irrelevant rewards from S1 passively for breathing. We can check off “Entitled” on the Bingo card. It isn’t very becoming for someone complaining about casuals to whine when he doesn’t get to play with the toys that were for solo players, just like how you complain about those same players wanting to play with your M+ toys.

Yeah man, it’s not that bad. I’m sorry, but you are being way overdramatic.

Maybe they want people to play for longer than like 1 month before leaving after patch ?

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Crests was almost a good system. Should’ve been made account wide.

It’s okay though. Subs will continue to drop all throughout this World**** Saga and the War Within will go on sale 8 times within 6 months just like Dragonflight.

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if we give feedback, it could always change to be less gated, chorey. If we don’t give feedback, they’ll continue to abuse the payers.

Have you ever actually been starving though? Once I had to finish the last three days of a backpacking trip and all I had was a couple cups of grits left. That’s a whole story.

But I ate these dang grits for three days. No salt. No butter. Just grits. It wasn’t even close to starving. That takes like 30 days.

So unless we’re going a month without currency it seems like quite the hyperbole.

And lemme tell ya, those grits were amazing when it was all I had. Sure, I would rather have chicken and butter and fresh rolls. But now I can appreciate just plain ol grits.

Someone posted a guide on reddit on how to have max ilvl in a matter of 5 weeks for the new patch. You could probably survive not eating from today until reaching max ilvl. Then you really would be starving.

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