Season 3 Mythic Plus will be currency starved

Hi friends!

The Blizzard paid content creators want to keep their paychecks of course, so they’re not telling you about how Mythic Plus will be currency starved in Season 3 unlike before:

  1. A lowered crest cap, 7.5 dungeons is the cap, in fact. A spit in the face of people who will do 8 dungeons a week for 3rd vault. That’s 90 crests per tier. Blizz chose to not even give full crests for doing those 8 dungeons. Pretty reprehensible. Especially when pushers who are dedicated to doing well will obviously be doing more than 8 each week to learn and push io. So this doesn’t affect those of you who do a dungeon a week, or 4 a week. But I’m sure you’ll pipe up and troll and say the system is fine :pinching_hand:t5:.

  2. A crafted piece of loot will have the increased cost of two thirds, or 2/3, or 60 of those 90 crests. Since you can get a full spark every 2 weeks, I guess that’s 120 of the 180 crests you farm will be going towards crafted gear for embellishments (but not sporecloak! lol) Reworded, after all the dungeons that yielded no useful crests because of the 7.5 dungeon cap on crests, 120 of those crests will be going towards 1 crafted piece of gear.

  3. But wait, to make those full Sparks for crafting, it will now cost you 250 Flightstones that every content creator forgets to talk about as per blizzard paychecks! You know Flightstones; the currency everyone was already starved of during the gearing process, even when Sparks didn’t have a cost to combine?

  4. And regarding the “upgraded” system of whelp>drake>wyrm>aspect, that absolutely does not apply to Mythic Plus pushers because those upgrades count towards the aforementioned crest cap, gg. That is a QOL feature only afforded to casual 1-4 dungeons each week, not learning the dungeons, and weaseling into groups for carries.

On top of this, of course we are not allowed to earn rep or renown in dungeons or BGs since SL (the superior xpac), but that’s purely cosmetic which of course dedicated dungeoneers shouldn’t be allowed to earn in DF according to the blizz team. Content Dungeoneers shouldn’t be allowed to earn anything past 7.5 dungeons except the constant grind for Flightstones because we’ll never have enough until we’re geared, which of course we won’t need them, which of course they will rot, alongside multitudes of other crap in my personal bank, rotting. So carry casuals for hopefully fast lower dungeons, for nothing but a necessary mindless grind due to currency starvation!

And if you’re a healer during again the WORST xpac yet, and you’re doing the Gods’ work in push dungeons, this applies to you too; you will no longer be rewarded for this past 7.5 dungeons either, even though the increase in HP and inc DMG gutted the number of healers available and we should all be rewarded for getting through push dungeons with this hurdle in mind. And PS, nobody blames you for quitting, healers- by design, the change to healing in DF is unreasonable, unfun, and uncouth. Godspeed in other games that respect your effort, dedication and time, unlike doing dungeons in Mythic Plus.

These are the reasons people quit wow. This is why there have been so many server merges, why you recognize the same people in M+ queues, why blizz put everything including AH, bank, and Inn at Valdrakken to look populated, why you wait longer than ever for healers, why blizz pays content creators and gives them scripts of what to say, and what not to say, etc, etc.

The Worldsoul Saga looks great, but it’s going to be cheapened and underappreciated as long as devs keep intentionally making systems and currencies increasingly egregious for “engagement metrics”.
I for one cannot convince anyone to come back to this game until it respects gamers’ ability, time and requirement to carry bads, or brings back the fun factor in doing those menial tasks required for player power.

Even in Season 2 being fully geared I can’t do anything with hundreds of Aspect Crests or Flightstones. They are a rotted currency in the Season for which they are intended. That’s bad design! There is no use for them other than 386 BOA from Nifflem (LOL). Another slap in the face- Blizz knows people capping on Aspect crests aren’t interested in 386 rando BOAs, come off it.
Many of us have fun by being successful, pushing ourselves and EARNING REWARDS, even if it’s just, 424 ilvl BOAs like the 70 char boost. Why not that? Or a profs satchel, or *gasp rep/renown, or literally anything instead of nothing (Again SL>DF). Anything instead of a rotted currency at gear cap. I would carry more of you instead of stopping each week.

Is this a lot of words? Yes. The mobile game currencies and systems implemented here (And D4) are meant to be convoluted and pulled over eyes unless someone outright tells you what’s actually, factually, directly going on, with the intentions of paid content creators tricking you into believing everything is great all xpac (DF is not great at anything except losing subs).
I certainly understand there are many more of you who aren’t industrious and don’t share this mentality; leader/follower balance is what it is. But as long as you want us to carry you for nothing, people are going to keep leaving WoW at the disastrous rates of DF; doesn’t matter how cool of a concept the Worldsoul Saga seems.


So uh, few points.

The cap for Crests was SO HIGH in S2 that any aspect crests you got after week 4 were pretty much useless if you hit the cap. Even when they implemented 447 Myth-path gear, didn’t matter, you’d have so many crests you didn’t need any more after that. I’ve been vendored over 80 Aspect Crests so far because the only way to use them would be if I were to craft irrelevant pieces of gear (which couldn’t be turned into tier) with the enchanted crests and I’m not even half-way to the current cap.

Second point, you will be able to trade-up for crests once a certain level band becomes irrelevant. So when you need Aspect-crests and no need for any of the crests below it? All of the trivial crests you get from random content can be thrown into a grinder to get the higher-level crests.


So a rotted currency/system in the Season for which it was intended. I covered that here:


That counts towards the 90 crests cap, meaning anyone that does 7.5 dungeons for the 8 dungeon 3rd vault will never make use of that upgrade system. It does not exist for pushers. It is not in the game for pushers, or learners.
I also covered this in my OP:

It would be most courteous of you to actually read the post, or at least skim it if you’re going to address what you thought were tangential rebuttals. No hate, sir/ma’am. Take care.

I seriously cannot tell if this is a troll thread of not. If it is, hats off to you. Otherwise… i mean, did you actually sit down to type out this long rant just to complain about only getting crests for 7.5 dungeons rather than 8?

Is getting 90 crests rather than 96 crests a week really that big of a deal?

You know Blizzard are getting real desperate when they start putting banks in major cities!


The real spit in the face was to the people who could full clear the raid, and still be at 2/3s of crests for the week last season. Oh, you want to be at wyrms cap? You MUST DO M+.

This is more of M+ player whining that they have to deal with a fraction of what raid does for gearing.


Anyone who expected that they weren’t going to nuke Crest gearing this season is absolutely delusional.


It is the primary reasons for the change. Currently, gearing is ultra-fast, so fast that M+ invalidates most other gearing paths. Slowing down the crest gain and making it so you end up with less ‘dead’ currency like Whelpling/Drake/Wyrm crests on your main means it all goes into one instead of four.

People who’d live and breathe M+ will most likely be doing it for Rating first with gear as a means to gain more rating, the fact that doing more than 8 will be more for rating instead of crests isn’t much of a slap in the face when you consider what they are doing it for because if someone runs 20+ keys a week, when their ‘best’ rewards will come from the vault instead of farming a specific drop, crests for crafted gear just being a filler for the gaps.

A complaint that “We are resource capped on our main and they are useless for anything but vendoring” can’t really be taken as serious when it is following the statement of “We won’t be getting nearly as much now!” Like a glutton unable to stand complaining that they ate too much, then complaining that they are going to be fed less tomorrow.

The system is primarily a benefit to… You guessed it, alts. Considering that starting out, I was downgrading Aspects to Wyrms simply because excluding crafting gear taking up 4 crests, you’d need only 1 Aspect per 3 Wyrms per slot and doing dungeons for Wyrm crests was inefficient for the Vault progress.

Mains won’t see a real change, except for the fact that engaging in other aspects of the game won’t become pointless as far as the currencies are involved because oh boy, do PvP and get force-fed whelp/drake crests from bags and just stare at how useless they are.


Thank goodness. Was about to be sorry for my liver.

Also, what the…

I think I’d rather be slapped.

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Yeah, IDK why OP chose to word it the way they did.

That being said though, it is hard to take someone seriously when they are wearing the laughing skull helm.


I have 2k flintstones and had them for over 3 months and I have over 600 aspect crests. So yeah I feel the currency nerf is kinda warranted.
And all that you mentioned I knew about from blizz and content creators but thanks for the reminder.


Oh my. I’m sorry for jumping into the mix. I didn’t realize you were repeating the phrase. I just thought you were doing a warlock thing there :upside_down_face:

And yes. The screaming skull helm exudes “Cambridge professor as they’re about to lecture on quantum tunneling.”

Yes, that’s a thing

I think I’ve lost more flightstones to overcapping than I’ve been able to spend.


They want to slow down the gearing abit which I agree with them. The gearing in season 2 is a tad too fast.

I believe there is no cap on flightstones. And you’re pretty much over capped is easily

No sure what you meant here

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I physically can’t spend them unless I go farm inferior gear to dump flightstones into. Which makes the “earn flighstones” thing in the Trading Post kind of a sick joke telling me to farm crests on my alts more.


The only thing they are good for is to buy those alt starter-gear 398 boxes they added in 10.1.5, then send them to an enchanter

Yeah same here and I just noticed I called them flintstones lol


So 2 of the 9 currencies that replaced the single Valour currency from SL have been rotting in your bags like everyone else, again, in the season they are intended for instead of being of any use, in the season they are intended for. Pretty solid design, yea? How’s Diablo 4 working out for you?

From OP:

Have you considered the possibility that they just simply gave us too much of all of them this patch?


…Good idea! That should at least make the monthly thing doable.