Season 3 Mythic Plus will be currency starved

BETTER GET CLICKIN’. Make sure to do it in a group so they can see how many you have.


You literally can trade up currency and yes, at some point you will reach a point where you have better gear than the system offers. This isnt rot, its a natural end point.

I understand what youre saying, youre just wrong and I disagree with it.

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servers are offline :((((((((((((((((((( im so annoyed

If you do 7.5 dungeons a week, you *literally cannot upgrade to that crest type you cap at. Because there is a cap. On the crests. That are capped… so you can’t upgrade to them…. Because of the cap,.,

I’ve only said that 10 times in this thread, 10 different ways.

And the following week you can trade up that useless currency and you have less content required to cap.

The system is designed explicitly so you cannot no life your way to max gear immediately. That is a good thing.

You said the incorrect thing 10 times. It isnt any more right each subsequent time.

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Pretty much what I’ve been sayin’. S2 Cap was so high people could quite literally zoom straight to max immediately. S3 Cap being lower is fine and no one is arguing that the cap doesn’t exist. We know it exists and we know why it’s there, it’s actually there to prevent predatory time-played metrics of “Oh man, you better do 20x runs or else Someone Else™ will out-gear you and take your spot!”

That is the thing that would be disrespectful of player’s time, not having a cap be easily reachable through casual play with 1~2 dungeons a day.

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The following week there will also be a cap. You have been wrong in every comment you’ve made (in bad faith).
Wondering why you’re here.
What’s the incentive to misinform readers in a feedback thread?

Are you insta-replying because you are a bad actor and I’m giving you attention to bump my post?

Allow me to explain their reasoning.
You acquire 90 Crest A. It is capped.
You also acquire 60 of Crest B and C.
Week two:
Crest A Cap increases. You no longer needed Crests B and C so you trade-in for Crest A. You now will reach Crest A Cap in Week two faster (less time spent/dungeons/bosses/etc run) than you did in Week one because of the obsolete crests trading-up. However, because of the trade-in value, it is always most efficient to try and get Crest A because running for Crest B to trade up will be slower and less efficient.

In S2?
You acquired 150 Crest A. But you needed some Crest B. Crests C and D were completely useless from the start because of the drops being a higher tier. Every C+D crest rots (as you say). You know that you get so much Crest A, you don’t even need to hit the cap so you drop them down into Crest Bs which you need more of than Crest A anyways. Eventually you hit the point where Crest A is the only one that matters for crafted gear and Crests B/C/D are all useless in every way.

See the difference?

For further clarification… S1? You always need the Points. They were not tied to difficulty at all so the time spent running +2s 20 times over rewarded more points than running a +20 despite the vast gap and all you really needed was rating to upgrade things to their max level so you could get a piece of gear from a +5 and it would be on par with gear you’d get from a higher dungeon if you ran enough +2s to funnel Valor into it after you hit a rating threshold. It was not a fun gameplay loop.

Do you know what arguing in bad faith means? Ill give you a hint, it does not mean that I disagree with you.

You are misrepresenting the system and complaining about issues that no longer exist, or have been alleviated by changes.

We know there is a cap. There SHOULD be a cap. That is why I explicitly said:

Which acknowledges the cap, and explains that is helps hit that cap fast if you decide to do more content one week than another. It is in fact good design. It stops people from being too sweaty while not invalidating their time.

Didn’t even read past these parts.

When you come out of the gate with conspiracy theories and demeaning behavior towards people, I don’t care what you have to say.

Safely assuming you were whining, so cry more.

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I don’t think at any point during the last patch was I hurting for flightstones lol.


Then you don’t understand currency rot.
Why are you trying to say I’m advocating for gear after currency is rotting when I’m fully geared… ?
Because you are misunderstanding.
Do you simply not do content enough to experience currency rot?
How much ZM currency do you have? How much Flightstones do you have?
I’m just trying to understand why you’ve been tagged in to troll this thread.

Yeah… I stopped reading right there.

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Much like “bad faith arguing” the definition of a troll is not someone who disagrees with you and is responding in an open forum.

I am not misunderstanding anything. I do not think you should get gear for alts by playing your main. I agree with caps. I think the current system is fairly elegantly designed and addressed every single concern I had with the S2 implementation.

I appreciate you cannot seem to fathom the idea that people disagree with you, but that disagreement does not mean they are arguing in bad faith, or are “trolls” or “edgelords”.

Most people read your post and have been telling you why you are wrong. The only thing happening here is you desperately screaming louder as if its going to convince people you know what youre talking about.

Ok, thank you for trolling and/or misunderstanding, and/or ignoring these simple facts for season 3.
Perhaps these things don’t affect you, and so it is very important for you to troll about instead of scroll on in 2023. :man_shrugging:t4:
I obviously can’t tell you why you’ve developed your issues, but you are very welcome for being informed on these facts that you don’t get to have an opinion on. Because they are facts.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s just going over your head, as the mobile game devs intended by implementing multiple currencies for 1 gearing system.

Ok homie.

You havent actually addressed a single thing I’ve said and are just screaming personal attacks now.

I mean, his OP goes on about how he carries bads and how he hates casuals and how he’s going to be starving in S3. At least he bowed to healers for carrying him before going back to trying to talk himself up and being the first to start throwing insults with delusions of grandeur when he was the bad all along.

I’ll trust Mythic raiders over people who would no-life M+ without even scratching title range.

Because you ended the season at 437 and 2100 io. Please read my post if you have the need to reply with hot air. This post is talking about things that do not affect you. I’ve explained it several times.
The healing stuff doesn’t even affect you at 2100. But thanks for adding no value I guess :+1:t4: