Screw Horrific Visions!

For my characters is it mostly a gear issue. I just can’t kill things fast enough on some of them so once I get another 10 ilvls things in there should move faster.

Some of these videos of people doing these the mobs are just melting because they have over ilvl 440 gear.

Meh, I get melee’d to death. Thrall hits hard, can’t be cc’d, and too fast to kite since he’s a lot faster then any toon is. If you get critted a few times for 65k melee you die quick like i did last time. I got critted 3 of 4 attacks melee…for about 230k damage melee total in less then 6 seconds.

wow your opinions are popular I must say, no one likes em and sweetheart I’m old enough to not get scammed like Blizzard is doing atm and has for the last 3 Xpacs. <3

Yet here you are.

It’s funny how all the people praising the content of this patch we can all mathematically guarantee has only gotten to experience it maybe 4 or 5 times this week. And were almost definitely too weak to do anything except the first boss.

and we can guarantee they will only ever get to experience the content they are praising devotedly maybe 4 times a week max going forward.

Sadly enough - this would sum up the effort the dev’s put into this patch.

Can hear it now - “oh, but its not Blizzards fault!” Yea, right. It’s not the dev’s fault for not knowing how to UNIT TEST THEIR FREAKING CODE. It’s not the dev’s fault for not knowing how to do 3rd grade math and plug in Infinite Stars etc into their in house systems to test balancing. All bull crap - the dev’s at Blizzard are the worst in the industry.

But to hear things like, balance the damn game, release a patch that only has 1-2 bugs as apposed to 234789283747, realize how they funneled 100% of their player population into 2 zones all hunting rare’s, pillars, chests (aka WoD’s horde spy glass for creating their garrison) and STOP SUCKING sounds a lot like “waah, make it easier” for you white knight types… pitiful.

I was having problems with my mage in there for that. I almost died my first time and the area is too small. I made sure to have a potion with me next time.

I think the SW scenerio is better for ranged at least the Thrall equivalent because the area is larger.

I did it over 15 times. Had three characters. Many people already have more characters going as well. Also, some people spent a lot of time in there on the PTR.

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Yes only cause I use gold to play. Once that’s gonnnne I’m gonnnnnnnnnne. Why waste it. <3

Translation : i suck at horrific visions and ill vent my rage on forums using popular complaints

GJ paying those scammers more. :joy:

No just using my gold tyvm. They don’t get a red cent out of me Blizzard

That someone paid 20 dollars for over a 15 dollar sub. You’re actually helping them.

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If people are stupid enough to do that so be it. I’M NOT <3

Ignoring the blatant attacks on an individual, which is quite… crass, I’ll start off with the Infinite Stars thing. Infinite Stars is only broken at the top-end, where it’s +75 corruption. If you’re lucky enough to get one of those. I saw a prot pally pulling 40k dps with one, and a hunter (by logs) who’s damage was 50% Infinite Stars or something. Sure, it’s broken, but that’s scaling on the trait itself and it’s +75 corruption (which is incredibly hard to deal with extremely early.) Is it fair? Not by any means. Should that have been caught? Yes. But remember, a handful of berries don’t equal a meal; or rather a less than a thousand PTR QA testers don’t equal perfection.

As to the “funneled players” issue, I do my daily quests and then go off to do other important things. Before you say that I’m ‘not spending enough time in those zones,’ I’d like to refer you to another thread about (if) you do every single thing in both zones, you’ll get one extra run every 2 weeks. While I’m island spamming, I’ve come across one person twice (80+ runs in the past 24 hours, playing late at night like such). If I do keys because friends wanna have fun, I’ve seen those queue lists grow quite big. World quests? I’ve seen a lot of people in the world outside of the assault zones. My point is that there’s probably less than 10% of the player base online at any given moment that is inside either assault zones. Personally, I suggest taking a deep breath and reflecting upon the patch as it is (about six days old being Live.)

My only gripe with the current patch is that visions are susceptible to the same bugs that open world is. Being stuck in combat, disconnecting, or some other bug causing the player to be unable to complete the vision with their intended, expected result. I’ve personally had three visions absolutely ruined by becoming stuck in combat, and one by disconnection. With that said, and despite my increasing disinterest in the current patch, I think the current patch isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Especially considering the patch is less than a week old, and not all the content is put out yet.

But you bought it. If even with gold. Blizz thanks you for the twenty bucks I’m sure.

Speak for yourself

the reward structure for the place doesnt match its progression speed.

Objective - Reward iLvl

  • Vision Boss Only - 420
  • Vision Boss + 2 Bonus Objectives - 430
  • Full Clear No Masks - 445
  • Full Clear + 1 Mask - 450
  • Full Clear + 2 Masks - 455
  • Full Clear + 3 Masks - 460
  • Full Clear + 4 Masks - 465
  • Full Clear + 5 Masks - 470

so with a full clear of a vision, your getting LFR nyalothar gear. which was as good as mythic eternal palace gear or doing M+10s for the last 7+ months.

and we likely wont be at that point for another 1-3 weeks before we can start full clearing no masks. so we are literally farming WQs and dailies for at least a month to begin starting getting gear at a level with what we have been farming for over half a year already. just to get enough momentos to upgrade the cloak to then start proceeding to get better rewards.

now throw on the RNG of what you get, what slot it is, what stats are on it, and if its got corruption, and what corruption effect is on it, and what level of corruption is on it. theres a lot of RNG on top of this system that wants us farming for previous patches quality content.

the raid goes live next week on normal and above and with any luck you might get 2+ pieces and be above what will be available for weeks from visions. so blizzard have implemented a system they require to you have to farm to upgrade the cloak for maybe oneday 1-3 months from now will finally maybe start to get some upgrades. heroic will be on farm before you start even getting to the point of being able to do multi mask full clears.

this is as bad the the pvp quest from each season being a season behind on iLv all xpack long. who in there right mind thought this was a good idea??? when the next pvp season starts next week, the weekly conq quest will be rewarding heroic eternal palace gear. visions are just as stupid as that. how out of touch is blizzard? we go 7+ months of no content. and then we have to farm some more months for gear thats worse than what we already have. the xmog isnt worth chasing. AND they didnt stick on a challenge set for a full clear+5 mask run. this is as bad as sticking on blue quality gear on rep vendors at revered or exalted. your going to vastly outgear it before you even get to it. or apexis gear at the start of WOD that required weeks to farm when a dungeon drop from a heroic is better gear.

just… i dont even know with this company anymore. who comes up with this idiocy? the rewards dont match the progression speed.

what are blizzard even doing anymore? i just dont understand this company. none of it makes any sense.


2 pieces of corrupted gear for a grand total of +125 Corruption. Seriously, +75 on a 420 piece of gear shouldn’t be possible…

and very fun when you’re in combat with nobody and cannot restore sanity
that happened with me twice =/

like I said its not MY MONEY capiche . If people are happy to feed Blizzard good on em I don’t care its not my money feeding them.