Screw Horrific Visions!

Not a fan either the way it was implemented.

The same specs that own mythic+ dungeons are the very same who will rock visions with enough gear. The very same issue that exist in grouping up in mythic+ dungeons exist in the visions.

It’s skill capped. A lot of people who are below average at video games play RPGs. In fact, a majority and likely a vast majority are never going to see cloak level 15. So a majority of players will quickly realize they have nothing to do but farm old content. At least they have Vulpera and Mechagnomes now to do so if they wish.

World PvP is already imbalanced and corrupted mechanics will greatly widen the already substantial gear gap. Unless blizzard has plans to heavily incentivize the most skilled pvp players to go alliance to make up for the numerical disadvantage, but that is very unlikely.

Or maybe blizzard prefers everyone to move to classic and do away with PvP entirely.


I have fun doing the visions but the time gating between runs really makes it hard to enjoy the content properly.


Nothing like finding out the hard way that the Orb to restore sanity can NOT be used in combat!!! Dead…

10,000 coalescing vision = 1 Vessel of Horrific Visions completely WASTED!!! Ugh!! :angry:


I can’t pay attention to mechanics for more than half a second and I got wrecked, gg Blizz you should mail me free epics

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at least you got some gear i did 4 and got nothing from visions.

That’s what the talent tree is for though. It’s a soft nerf to the content, on top of your cloak nerfing it. Also, you’ll get to Rank 15, albeit slower, as most of the challenge in visions has to do with Masks, and no masks are required for Rank 15.

You got your 420 off Thrall most likely and vendored it. You only get gear once if you don’t clear more objectives. The 2nd step, 430, requires killing Thrall and claring BOTH medium objectives.

I don’t like Horrific visions, they are just a 1 to 5 man mythic+, but much more punishing. All it is is go go go go go go go. God forbid you make a mistake. at least with mythic+ you can try again and again to get what you need. Visions are not hard, I destroyed the one I did on my main, Alts I had a problem. But Blizzard can keep them and the idiotic punishment system of Corrupted gear. I’ll never walk into another, don’t care for mythic+ and hate visions ever more.


The world must be ending. Something we agree on.

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I probably shouldn’t have used the term skill cap. Skill floor is better, spec strongly dependent. Each advancement in the tree requires more and more corrupted momentos. If you mostly fail your 3-4 opportunities per week it doesn’t take long before you cannot feasibly earn enough corrupted momentos to further advance the tree since there are a finite number of weeks left before shadowlands drops. I do fully expect blizzard intends a real catch-up mechanic after the very skilled float to the top and are well geared for this expansion.

Anyway, blizzard has this wrong. Even if a player is terrible at the game and has a low skill cap they should be able (eventually/gated) to obtain the highest ranks of gear with dedication and tenacity. Afterall, those are the players who are loyal to blizz wow and pay the bills so to speak.

If you can’t cut it, don’t push. You don’t even need to push into anything other than Thrall and his trash until Rank 6 cloak anyway.

Not to mention you’re never forced to finish a side objective you start, you can stop and run to Thrall and kill him at any time.

The Cloak will never require masks, and thus, it’s the barrest of easiest content to obtain. The challenge in visions will come in the form of Mask runs, up to 5.

Wow now who is yelling now? and sounds mad? good on you we get it you work for Blizzard you play for free? 944 post nice. Another 110 with only 190 achievement points another wow psychic. Whom never played the original wow I bet.

Oh well, its a video game and I like to push the envelope. Playing it safe? LOL. It’s a game. LOL. New content is clearly not for me and I’m going to be unable to compete at a challenging level in mythic +, PvP, nor raid in 8.3 so…I just unsubbed. Sadly, my 3 month term just ended and I’m subbed until mid april… so I have to find ways to enjoy old content as I disliked classic with a passion.

Yeah sure they do! just like Blizzard the risk of losing more accounts :slight_smile:

ya i don’t see what makes the visions so great. did a couple and thought they were boring.

It’s just a gauntlet mode which is pretty much what we’re going to have in the Shadowlands expansion, but without the corruption concept and stuff.

Then why are you doing them solo? Heaven forbid people do things with their raid members outside of raid. This sounds like a “you” problem more than anything.

I’m not a fan of timed things so I don’t care for it myself. LOVED mage towers, so things being difficult is fun to me but adding a timer just stresses me out, lol.

I’m holding out on purchasing the next xpac until I see if they’re going to add more timed stuff and gated abilities. If so I will not be buying it.


you shouldn’t be playing from prison anyways.

LMAO how old are you?

Look, we get it. You’re mad because you were finally confronted with the truth that you’re bad at WOW. I know it’s tough.