Screw Horrific Visions!

Corrupted gear, insanity timer mechanics. Stupidest idea and concept ever created by Bliz!!!
This is the exact OPPOSITE of fun!!
I’ll pass on 8.3. Im venting cause I’m pissed at Bliz for coming up with such lame BS!


wow, cool down, guy. Maybe you should try giving some feedback that isn’t some rage thread and throw some ideas around that you think might make the game better.


I’m having a blast in them.


It’s meh that’s for sure…I not huge fan of it but best thing to do is go right burst adds down go to thrall kill the 2 guards…and pop a golden bubble and kill thrall rinse and repeat to rank 5

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Sugeknight will pass on 8.3. This is the end of WoW.


I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m “having a blast,” but I do think a scenario with a risk/reward challenge aspect is at the very least engaging. I’ll keep doing them to see how far I can get.


Yea. I’m pretty hot right now over it. I’ll cool down some I’m sure.

But… for now…I Haven’t play much during the week. So this weekend was my first taste of 8.3. Like eating a handful of cloves!!!


I’m feeling his feedback would be “Nerf them, and make it easy for me to full clear week 1 with no effort, going in blind, and only pushing Howling Blast like that Youtube video about frost death knights”.

I’ve done them on 3 toons at this point. So yeah, I’ll qualify that as having a blast.


Sadly enough, this would sum up a solid third of the complaints on the forum.

“I don’t want to work for stuff, just let me have it”.



Some people like that kind of content. I don’t particularly. I will upgrade until I start failing them though.

You might as well go find another game for the next 3 years though because that tower in Shadowlands will be similar content.


I actually won’t take my frost dk into those. They are a lot easier on some classes than others. I imagine the dh would be a favored class in there given their aoe and self healing abilities.

I have done mage, feral and rogue. Feral had the best gear around ivl 435 the other two around ilvl 420. Rogue was easiest by far because of the tools they have. Mage was the worst but once I came with healing potions it wasn’t a problem.

Feral was just so so and I imagine it will be worse later on when I have to aoe a bunch of things.

While I don’t find them particularly exciting I don’t think they are that bad. I’m an average player at best and I was able to complete the Horde version every time I tried so far on an enhancement Shaman. At least to this point I have found that once you get that item that resents the insanity it’s been quite easy.

Though in fairness I have heard it’s quite a bit more challenging for tanks and healers.

Because Frost Death Knights don’t have ridiculous AoE and self healing ?

No because I like to be able to stealth or vanish.

I didn’t use any aoe so far in those.

And I actually don’t find frost DK self healing all that great. DH on the other hand if you have group mobs is imo.

I don’t enjoy them either.

The intro quest made me want to die too.

like every time mother was going to do here thing magni is like " OOOH LOOKS LIKE THERES AN ISSUE, WE MUST TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD TO TALK TO 1 PERSON FOR THE 50TH TIME!!! ".

I love grinds that captivate me, I hate crap that is just like long for the sake of being long, GR.


You’re literally posting this from a Night Elf Death Knight. Your ability to vanish is the same as mine.

Then why did you say DH had ridiculous AoE which makes them favorite for them ?

Try Death Strike.

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Statement: Horrific visions are some of the most fun I have had in wow in a very long time. My only complaint is that the keys are locked behind 10,000 coalescing thingies.

Query: Are you angry because you failed one and feel behind?

Encouraging statement: worry not! We have plenty of time to upgrade our cloaks, you dont need to be world first or server first. Just take your time and enjoy it.


Whats the point of feedback now ?this is going to be grinding us for a whole year !

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Well when I can bring my lvl 55 into those we can discuss this night elf dk.

Because mine doesn’t have stealth and I would have to use it. The classes so far I have done I didn’t.

I know about death strike but thanks anyway.

You realise using Stealth is actually detrimental right ?