Screw Horrific Visions!

But half of the complaints on the forum are by raiders and raider wannabes whining that casuals won’t step up their game and go full masochist.

Except that most of the visions complains are by LFR players? unless those arent casuals in your eyes.

I can’t believe you took the bait and brought up “LFR players” on your own.

Actually, yes I can. Way to go, big guy.

You said raiders wannabes, not me, they are the ones complaining, but i get it, dodging stuff is hard when you are used to steamroll content, thrall’s purple rings must be ruining your game cause its difficult to press WASD.

This is quite funny. You wanted real examples and that is what you got. Also when you make a blatant attack on an individual who just “wants things to be easier” you don’t have the right then to come back around and say it’s “crass” cause I’m attacking back………… or wait - is this a game were we each say “I know you are but what am I”

Ironic that you decide to only pull that out of the whole thing. Cherrypicking one quote and then leading into a rebuttle. My preference is neither this or that when it comes to “things being easier.” I’m more than happy to get better at the game, but that doesn’t dissuade the silent majority’s opinion (which could certainly be that they want the game easier, or it could not. There’s a reason it’s called the silent majority.)

As far as “attacking back,” my suggestion would to be the adult between the two of you and not bother with responding to a personal attack. If someone insults you, just shrug it off. It’s not worth lowering yourself to the level of that person when you could move on and have more interesting conversations than the “I know what you are, but what am I?” topics.

Horrific Visions are the only good part of the patch so far. If we could enter them more, they would be even better.

Where do I fit in then? I loved this game until essences and corrupted gear. So I’m ambivalent to this expansion.

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