Screw Horrific Visions!

I dislike required progression requiring ridiculous effort.

If the cloak upgrades weren’t mandatory I’d ignore visions entirely as I don’t enjoy them. I see them as a great way for casuals to get gear.

Having the cloak tied to them is BS.


also, you can go in them with friends to make them easier

I don’t like BFA in general but I like Visions as content. How is that hard to understand? Is it also so hard to grasp that there are people who may disagree with you? Pretty much everyone I play with is enjoying the Visions. Even those who are very down on BFA.

What DON’T you like about Visions?
Do you not want progression content that can be done solo or in small groups?
Do you not like content where the player controls the difficulty by choosing how far to push?
Do you not like the risk/reward?

We smashed them out in an hour yesterday. I have them done on 3 toons.

I fail to see the “ridiculous effort” part.

They really aren’t though. Like I have toons without the cloak who log in just fine, don’t get a warning of “You didn’t get your cloak upgrades, locking this character!” on my screen or anything.

It’s the challenge the game as set for you. Would you rather AFK in Stormwind for your cloak upgrades ?


Unfortunate but yes the visions are very punishing for healers and tanks. But Blizz doesn’t design with tanks or healers in mind but just mindless DPS.

Don’t know, so far I’ve rather enjoyed them. Died on the initial run on two different toons but adjusted tactics and the sanity refill led to the rest of the runs being pretty smooth.
425 Hunter was the easiest. The rest of the completes were on a 410 fury war, 419 guardian druid, and my dh here. And yes, I ran the guardian solo.

I’m gonna go ahead and fast forward our conversation here so I can go to the store.

Yesuna: “What metrics?”
Keyturn: “The time played metrics that they report to investors.”
Yesuna: “No such thing for this game”
Keyturn: “Yeah, there is.”
Yesuna: “No, sir, there isn’t.”

World of Warcraft uses a metric called the MAU metric, MAU stands for monthly active users. It doesn’t matter if you log in and play 500 hours that month or 45 seconds that month.

“Monthly Active User (“MAU”) Definition: We monitor MAUs as a key measure of the overall size of our user base. MAUs are the number of individuals who accessed a particular game in a given month. We calculate average MAUs in a period by adding the total number of MAUs in each of the months in a given period and dividing that total by the number of months in the period.”

Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and pretend that other games such as Candy Crush use the same metric that World of Warcraft. Games like Candy Crush do, in fact, have time-played metrics. Unfortunately, for that narrative, this isn’t the Candy Crush forum.

here you go

Do you raid? If yes, cloak = mandatory.

And its basically solo = go as dps or you’re farked.

THAT is what I have problems with. I can solo just about every other personal progression path in the game aside from dungeons and raids, but this lovely solo activity is not designed for anyone but DPS.

They can scale it, but won’t.

Can you bold the part that “trashes” Frost Death Knights, I don’t see it.

Thank you, I’ve argued this before. Time metrics are okay to see the type of content, but who cares if someone plays 30 minutes or 30 hours a month the only thing that matters is active subs and users.

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Rather them come from the raid tbh.

There aren’t many things that a poster can say on this forum that makes them look more foolish than to start talking about time-played metrics for this game. lol

only pushing howling blast…

I am allowed to react to what I want, I didn’t like that comment of yours so I commented on it.

How would that make sense ? Wrathion is trying to prepare you to go into Ny’alotha. From a story stand point, it makes more sense from the visions.

You mean my comment to mean the OP doesn’t want to play FDK correctly ? Because that has no actual bearing on the class itself. It’s a reference to this :

I’m starting to think you didn’t quite understand my comment at all, especially if you think it had anything to do with Frost Death Knights themselves as a spec.

If it helps OP. I got messed up pretty bad as well. I failed about 5 times. I got some tips from my post(A few mean comments on mine too but many gave me genuinely good advice) but I am gonna try to do things next week. I am mentally worn out pretty badly right now I am disgusted even looking at WoWs icon. I will just be behind I do not even care anymore or ever really.

Cloak has no noticeable effect in the raid outside the corruption resistance.

Getting more resistant after going in a bunch makes perfect sense to me. shrug

No different than being in the horrific visions.

Alternative progression paths have been asked for for ages, not forcing people to do content they’re not interested in.

You really don’t have to explain what you meant to me. I actually understood you.

So… its biggest effect IRT to the raid has no effect on the raid.

I mean, if it’s not different, then do your visions. The point is, you’re not willing to step out of your comfort zone, want the game be made to accomodate you, so that you can have your cloak upgrade passively, all because you refuse to pick up a 2 handed weapon and smack things with it. Or group up with guildies.

Are what Horific Visions are.

No, if you think I “trashed Frost Death Knights”, you didn’t. I did the complete opposite.