Screw Horrific Visions!

Then why are you busy trolling the retail section of the forum? Nothing in this thread has any regard to classic. I couldn’t imagine hanging out on a video game forum when I don’t even play that video game.

I won’t once my gold runs out I’m out. Blizzard will not get another red cent from me ever again.

Because like any fan, they want the game to succeed and be the best it can be. Do you think I enjoy seeing my friends all quitting? Or do you think I enjoy having a revolving door of a mythic raiding roster? (Which has been every mythic guilds experience this entire expansion, if they’ve even managed to survive).

Do you think if everyone who is unhappy and just leaves, and no noise is made, is going to fix the game?


Smart decision! To me they have lost their way badly. They abandoned patch 8.3.5 and yet no update when shadowlands beta will arrive or if it is around the corner?

LOL so if anyone likes anything about current WOW they must work for Blizzard?
I guess you work for Bethesda or Square then?

Blizz has made a huge number of mistakes in BFA but Horrific Visions isn’t one of them.


That’s not what the forum is saying but gl to if you are having fun lmao

Careful, blizz, this is how 2pac mysteriously died.

Yeah, that’s how it works. if you enjoy the game then you work for Blizzard, are Ion, are Lore, are a shill, are a moron, or are a sheep.

I find it hilarious that these kind of players talk down to those of us who enjoy the game but here they are steady feeding a company their time and money for a product that they claim to dislike. loooool


There are plenty of people on the forums saying they enjoy Visions. You just ignore them because of your bias.

We had similar complaints about the Mage Tower when it launched. There’s a lot of players who got used to faceroll content who got smashed with the cold reality that they weren’t as good as they think they are and this is no different.

It amazes me your on a lvl 110 665 achievement but you know all. You psychic have magic powers that’s knows all.


Keep dreaming

This does nothing to improve the game, either, Blizz just keeps chasing the metrics.

We’re all just screaming at a wall or eachother for nothing.

My problem is that being a tank, I don’t have the dps to get bosses down reliably quickly.

I dont play ret. I actually do less damage as ret than I do holy. Meaning I gotta hope I have a guildie or two needing to do them.

Cloak upgrades shouldn’t require a lot out of these things. Mines going to fall behind just because I can’t do enough damage to fill out objectives before running out of sanity.

Did my rank 6 today with a guildmate. I never would have gotten that myself. :confused:

Then I fail to see why you made the comment about DH being so much better, you started this whole sub thread in the first place, complaining how Frost Death Knights are so bad :man_shrugging:

No one buys that.

If you like current fisher price design of BFA that is fine. But don’t come in here saying a lot of people like visions in their current form.

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My friend mains a prot pally and he can do plenty of dps, with your gear this week shouldn’t really be a problem. Maybe you have to switch up some talents though.

Good a time as any to start.

If anything, this game needs less hand holding and participation trophies, not more.

OP is a frost death knight. I was trying to point out various classes have a different experience in there. And even then I probably wouldn’t have mentioned it if you hadn’t trashed frost death knight play.

its really easy for death knights, i did some as unholy and frost

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Yes, hence why I commented as I did.

By replying to my point about Frost being a very good spec for them, hinting that it’s not. It is.

Where did I trash Frost Death Knight play ? Citation.