Scrap Seasons NOW

I never got peoples obsession with them. I am definitely someone who enjoys slower RPGs and I get the like…“it breaks the game”, but the bosses are gonna die anyway, who cares if someone kills them faster than you. Its not like they get better loot.

Now if they were able to be used in an exploitive manner that allowed access to better loot because say the boss isnt killable without them due to lack of skill or something then sure…take them out, but thats not what happens with world buffs. There is no extra reward or player power outside of bragging rights.


World buffs are bad for the game and if you like them you are bad.

I would play a original 2019 classic fresh 100%. I don’t care about seasons. Just give us 2019 fresh on the same timeline and just repeat it. I don’t mind if they do a trilogy repeat if they want to recycle the original 3, but no more weird seasonal changes crap.


Troll in the dungeon.


They only reason people like WBs is because it makes their damage bigger. That’s it.

You just lie and say you like them because they make you go into the world.

Stop lying. It’s pathetic. No one believes you. You just want WBs for more damage.

You don’t need more damage. Your char does enough damage without WBs to clear all content.

Get over it.

Ya…that seems like an appropriate reaction to what I said. I’m just glad toxic people like you are the minority and usually only on these forums.

I cant imagine thinking world buffs were immoral or something rofl.


He’s an NPC on the forums tbh no one takes him seriously


They make people annoying and toxic in game. WBs objectively ruin the game.

You would see this if you weren’t already an annoying and insufferable person in real life.

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Wow lol…you are claiming to have met me IRL now too and attacking my personality. This is some real internet basement dweller behavior.

You are being annoying and toxic OUT of the game right now lol. I cant imagine what actually playing with you IN GAME is like lol.

Probably a rant about morality in a video game about killing pixel bosses lmao.


LUL you are just like every other WB enjoyer so I made a generalization about you. I don’t need to meet you to know how you are.

All WB enjoyers are toxic, elitest, and annoying.

This is exactly how you are coming off but you do you lol. I will continue to enjoy this video game and not try to take moral stances on issues in it.


So your defense is “I know you are but what am I.”


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I am Fyris and I am bad. I like World Buffs. I admit it.



That’s what makes speed runs fun.
But the real reason we want WBs is to get you all triggered. :joy_cat:


You can speed run without WBs. They did so in TBC.

Next tired WB andy talking point please.

I’ll dismantle them all. You don’t have any valid points so it’s EZ.

I like the idea of Seasons and believe if/when they are released they will do fine. I liked the no WB’s in raids and the anti boosting mechanics. I would like to see them do away with GDKP’s, gold buying and bots.

I’ve done fresh through KT 4 times on more characters than I can remember. If they have a consistent yearly cadence with era remaining unchanged I say lets try all kinds of stuff.

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I want to because its a video game. Nah nah you cant stop me!

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I bet you thought so in SoM too…

SOM. I have been playing era. You know vanilla wow?

Guess its not the game for you.

Still cant stop me :poop:


Gee, really?
I can also run them with buffs. When I do, I’ll be thinking of you! Stay salty bro! :joy_cat:

Psssst… you’ve always been able to raid without them. The only person stopping that is you.