Scholomance Pronunciation?

This is known as a “loanword.”

Loanwords don’t necessarily carry their original pronunciation.

Thus Scholomance is pronounced precisely as Blizzard tells us it is pronounced.

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English ‘origin’ word? The entirety of the language is a homogenization of older languages that gets changed on an almost daily basis. So when you provide 2nd grade English rules as your basis for an explanation, it’s pretty cleared who’s doing the self-owning.

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who pronounces stratholm anything different than Strath-holm.

Scholomance is a school for Necromancy. School o mance.

Editm there is even video some someone asking Blizzard this I think at Blizzcon and they confirmed this is how it is said.

The same people that pronounce it me-lee instead of may-lay.


New OC Pokemon name and concept found.

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You did get pretty well destroyed. They didn’t invent crap… like I said it’s like saying they invented “Odyn” … the thing is the devs likely didn’t even come up with the name… So again who cares what the CM says? You’re painfully wrong.

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You guys just started doing some of that stuff to be contrary. Yall didnt always say “haytch” for “h” or “meethane” for methane.

The horror of the Caydiem White Knight Defense Team has slumbered for years. Dont awaken it. You will doom us all!

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It’s never mee lee though.

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What really bothers me is the way some youtubers pronounce “shaman”


Oh God she’s a developer! (quakes in boots) because developers are experts on how things are pronounced! It’s not like a good portion of us are adults and understand where the words came from.

White Knight Defense Team is about right.

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Dont worry, when my shay-man runs out of mawn-ah he can mee-lee.

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“But guuuuyyyyyyyyyysssss a dev once said its meeeee leeee.”

Um no, you seem to be incapable of actually reading anything with out reading your own words into it.

It simply means she was not some generic putz who did not speak with the developers directly.
She knew what the WoW lore pronunciation was to be, because she got it directly from their mouths.

So, no, you have still failed to destroy anything, please try much much better next time.

If they want to take something, abbreviate the name down so it looks like something else, and then change it to dutch, they are fully allowed to.

Why not? The english language is full of loanwords and hyperforeignism.

If they wanted the make something, called it Schuyler and say ot was called Shoy-ler, then that is what it is, it’s make believe, you get to do that.

So, in the end, regardless of anything you think or say, Scholomance is pronounced as if Jij bent nederlaner, ja? Ja.
Erg goed, klaat zijn we.

Scholomance is pronounced skoh-loh-manse. Hard o’s, soft a, silent e. Anybody who thinks it’s an ‘sh’ sound at the beginning needs to go back to shool. If you think it’s a hard ‘s’, maybe go back to sool instead.

‘Sch’ makes an sh sound when its followed by a consonant (Schwab, Schwinn, Schlect - all Germanic- no English examples found) and a sk sound when followed by a vowel (school, schema, schematic).

It’s probably pronounced like “scholar”. [Skal-o-mance].

If “sch” is in a single syllable together it makes the softer sound. Not to be confused with “ch” which is more where preceding vowels and constants come in. “Schematic” would be a pronounced something like “shh-mat-ishh” or “She mat tish”.

Sadly, a great number of Americans were never taught to read using any kind of phonics, and are therefore at a loss when confronted with new words and correctly sounding them out.

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It’s pronounced exactly how it’s spelled.