Scholomance Pronunciation?

skal isn’t redneck ya no shoes wearin greenskin

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Yep. From the original WoW website (pulled from WoWWiki)…

“The Scholomance is housed within a series of crypts that lie beneath the ruined keep of Caer Darrow. Once owned by the noble Barov family, Caer Darrow fell into ruin following the Second War. As the wizard Kel’thuzad enlisted followers for his Cult of the Damned, he would often promise immortality in exchange for serving the Lich King. The Barov family fell to Kel’thuzad’s charismatic influence and donated the keep and its crypts to the Scourge. The cultists then killed the Barovs and turned the ancient crypts into a school for necromancy known as the Scholomance. Though Kel’thuzad no longer resides in the crypts, devoted cultists and instructors still remain. The powerful lich, Ras Frostwhisper, rules over the site and guards it in the Scourge’s name — while the mortal necromancer, Darkmaster Gandling, serves as the school’s insidious headmaster.”

Problem is they fill the zone with Germanic naming themes and then use English grammar to pronounce them. That’s so… tacky though.

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With French Spelling and a Gaelic accent.
Unless the area creator happened to read Tolkien that night, then it’s
either bad Sindarin, or pseudo black speech pronounced in yiddish

I gave up long ago trying to apply real world sense to it, and just accepted things for the amusement of them.

I mean we do play a game that culminates in darth vader playing lord of the rings
in Norway

*culminates because after that, it ceased to be WoW, story wise, at least to me

scholo-mance        S-cholo-mance       Scho-lo-mance       Show-low-mance

now if spoken with a language that favors inflection this is a whole other case of beer (in not so many words).

Going to have to say your explanation on why it’s skolo is hilariously lame. Who cares what a community manager says about how something is pronounced? Seriously its not a blizzard creation… they borrowed from the real world… and it’s pronounced SHOLOMANCE. It’s not a cute play on words… they directly borrowed something.

In Romanian - A funny looking S is at the front of Scholomance makes a ‘Sh’ sound. It’s a fabled school of the black arts…

Totally cute and made up by Blizzard, right? Even though its the same thing…

“Hey guys its pronounced Odeeen, not Odin a CM said so… it was probably a cute creation by Blizzard.”

Yeah okay. I think you’ve been destroyed by words enough for today.

School of magic
Schol like Scholar
-omance as in pyromance, necromance, hydromance, technomance.

Never ate rolos? Never played polo? Never gone solo? Wear a sick bolo? Oh no!


Okay, this actually made me LOL. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Its pronounced - rip - i left my key in the bank - could i grab a portal and a summon back please?

Bonus info:

There’s a few words that I hear people mispronounce in Discord. Here’s a quick list with the common mistake and the correct pronunciation.


Common mispronunciation: mee-lee

Correct pronunciation: may-lay


Common mispronunciation: Show-lo-mance

Correct pronunciation: Skow-lo-mance. The ‘sch’ makes the same sound as the ‘sch’ in ‘school.’ The name ‘Scholomance’ roughly means ‘school of magic.’


Common mispronunciation: Strath-uh-lome

Correct pronunciation: Strath-olm. It’s pronounced exactly as it’s spelled, but I hear a LOT of people misplace the ‘L’ and add additional letters when pronouncing.

Those are not English origin words… rolos are a candy developed by nestle, a Swiss candy company, polo is an ancient Persian game, solo is a Latin term and a bolo is a large single-edged knife used in the Philippines. That was a strange self own dude… but power to you!

In vanilla I usually saw it referred to as Skal-o full on hun-ters

Scholomance is a real place.
Well, real in folklore
Pronunciation is on the wiki page

wikipedia. /wiki/Scholomance

If i invent something made up, it is pronounced how ever I say it is pronounced, regardless of anything in the real world.
This is how things work, when you make things up in a Fantasy world.

I know exactly what it is in Romania, this is not Romania, its a place that does not actually exist, that borrows from, takes inspiration from or copies from what ever, book, movie, game, thing a given dev happened to find interest in at the time.

You have not destroyed anything, you credit yourself with too much.
If i make something up and say it is THIS, no matter what THIS is, THIS is what it is and shall always be.
Even if it makes no sense.

i do suggest 1 thing
go look in the data archive at the zone asset
you will notice that it’s name is
(yes literally, go look at the files)

So, yes, someone thought it would be comically ironic.
cheesy mayhaps but this game is long on cheese

As for the CM, by the way, you must not have been around here very long, because that was a CM who had direct communication with the DEVs, they told him how a thing was pronounced.

Now that part is forgivable, because we sadly no longer have those, and have not had them for many years

The Scholomance (SKOH-loh-mance), a vile academy for prospective necromancers of the Scourge, is located in the ruins of the palatial House of Barov, on a rise overlooking the abandoned city of Caer Darrow. The enemy level range is 40 - 43 and requires that you be at least level 33 to enter (level 38 to queue via Dungeon Finder).

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Show low Monce

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It’s pronounced Show-low Mance

Galdin Americans and brits say melee differently.

By the way Kristen “Caydiem” DeMeza was not just some generic
putz of a customer service rep, she is also a game Developer