Scholomance Pronunciation?

I just give it a modern twist and call it Yolo-mance

Ah, finally, another person who gives it the “English.” (Over the pond, they sometimes say “shedule” instead of “schedule.”)

That may depend on what country you are from, so in this instance, it’s pronounced exactly as the designer intended.

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Ok, i am good with that, but we need a new, and entirely confusing spelling, got any ideas?

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Here is Jeff Kaplan saying Scholomance

So hope that settles it.

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Do not turn on the closed captioning

we are going into skull amounts and redesigning everything that is wrong…

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i flip flop between skole-oh-mance and shole-oh-mance

ive heard people say school-o-mance, which in my mind i cant think is wrong because the word is literally a portmanteau of school and necromancy

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Jeff also pronounces Brigitte as “Brig-eat-ah”, which is literally not a valid pronunciation in any language on Earth.

“Mancy” implies a divination of some sort, not necessarily pertaining to the dead.

You mean other than Swedish, you know where the character is from.

Shoal Oh Mans

Yes, but one exists on Earth, the other on Azeroth.

Though, i will admit, if the bread lady sold Brigeetah’s it would take me a while to come round to her way of talking

In Swedish, “Brigitte” would be pronounced “Brid-jet”, or to be more exact, something “Brish-ett” (But even that is not exactly right.). I can make the sound with my mouth but I cannot approximate it by typing, i am sorry. It certainly is not close to “Brig-eat-tah”. The prnounciation that comes closest to that and the one Jeff seems to be trying to emulate is German, where it can be pronounced “Brig-it-ah” (First part rhymes with “frigate”.").

Neither Swedish nor German would pronounce it “Brig-eat-ah”.

Hmm odd that this pronunciation site which has a man from Sweden pronouncing it has it pretty close to how Jeff said it

I think what you want is low german/dutch gutteral for ich or ig
which also does not remotely type in an english sense what your mouth is doing, but i think iunderstand what you mean, if that is any consolation.

You said Swedish initially. But we can discuss the German pronunciation that you linked. In that case, I am not hearing either of those voices say anything close to “Brig-eat-ah”. I hear “Bree-get-ah” from the first and “Brig-et-ah” from the second.

If you want to hear a Swedish pronunciation there is this (Interest to know what you hear:

Edit: I can kind of hear “Eat-ah” from the Swedish entry at the bottom of the page. It doesnt sound like anyone I know says ite but I can admit its very close to the Jeff pronunciation. Good find.

point taken

but im pretty sure we both know it’s pertaining to the dead

It’s pronounced VC

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It is when i go in the place.
I know, because i become one of the dead