Scholomance Pronunciation?

But that’s not what it’s based off of at all. It’s sholo end of discussion because the only other argument you can make is that a developer didn’t know what it drew from.

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No, it is SKolo, honest.
It is definitively a K sound

If you (forgive me blizzard) pull apart the game data, it’s full name is
“School of Necromancy”
Shortened to Schol o mance, which someone probably though was a cute play on words

From Blizzards own mouth

It’s officially SKOH-loh-mance.

- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager

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How does one get “mon” from “man”? Because I know SO many people who pronounce “mana” as “mawn-ah” which seems a similar situation.

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There is a part of that statement that fully explains why a grammatically incorrect pronunciation is considered correct anyway, and that’s all I have to say on that lol.

odd, since it is not spelled Maana
A Apple

Saying SHOW LO i can understand, can not fault anyone for that

But Mawnah ?


Wow there’s some weird and wacky pronunciations here.

It’s pronounced Scholomance

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I dont pronounce it that way myself. I know the correct way is “man-ah”. Its just so many people use the same incorrect “mawn-ah” pronunciation it is interesting to me why that one particular mispronunciation is so common when, as you pointed out, there is no grammatical reason for it whatsoever.

Its kind of like how depending on the region (If the US at least.), the names / words “Don”, “Doan” and “Dawn” can all either sound exactly the same or drastically different.

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… but why?

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You just blew my mind.

This thread…my schides. Oh gawd make it stahp! :rofl: :rofl:

Wait, so you’re not just talking about a schwa a for mana? People are pronouncing it Jersey Girl style? I haven’t heard this yet (thank gawd). They’re prolly the same ones that say “wudder” instead of water.
And very true, US dialects vary so much you’d think they were all speaking in tongues lmao.


You should try going down to the docks in London then

Or Wales.

Welsh: “Cwdrgfbcffffgrnraerfwnrfwgrr”
Translation: “Hello.”


Lol what?

Bore da, sut mae? Nadolig llawen!

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Blwyddyn newydd dda!

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Pep Oh Rhone Ee Piz zah

fus ro dah

It’s definitely “Skole - Oh - Mance”

On a tragic note, the leaders in my original Vanilla guild pronounced melee as “Meal-ie” instead of “may-lay”

In English, unless there is the silent “e” after the “o,” denoting the long “o,” it is representative of the short “o.” Here are some examples of the short “o” to help with pronunciation, “on,” “Jon,” “nod,” “hop.” So here when you say these words in English they are pronounced, “Ah-n,” “J-Ah-n”, “N-Ah-d,” “H-Ah-p.” There is no indication that Scholomance would deviate in its pronunciation. I hope this helps!