"Scheduled Maintenance"

It’s an American company…in an American timezone. So…yeah?


Yes it’s been posted since yesterday they would be doing emergency maintenance today that wasn’t scheduled.

Lol why did you even bite at that?

Dudette, my power has been out since 7:45 am this morning.
I have been laying in bed with the emergency radio LOL
Just being able to chat on forum is a pleasure.

2800 people were without power here all morning, nothing wow does can tick me off.

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It was on the launcher for me yesterday that it’d be down today. I am not stupid enough to expect weeks of notice of upcoming maintenance because not all issues that could require downtime give you weeks to prepare.

They found an issue, decided it needed downtime, scheduled a window for the next day, then notified us. Good enough.

Notice has been on my launcher since yestersay

Selling worldwide, to customers where they have servers in their local time zone.

I guess you, specifically, are all that they should cater for right ?

Why when it is an international game and the time they do it affects the least amount of people .

1: The Americas most are either at work or school
2: Eu servers most are probably getting home from work and sitting down for dinner
3: Asian servers and Oceanic it is the middle of the night .

So honestly this is the time of day where there is less chance of affecting the most people trying to play .

To quote the great Vulcan philosopher Spock

" The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the whiney few "

It just changed to 10AM, extended maintenance

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Extended SCHEDULED maintenance you mean :wink:


I had plenty notification ,

He’s not wrong. In the IT world we have maintenance windows. Maintenance that has to be performed outside of those windows, is by definition considered an emergency, otherwise the maintenance would be performed in the window.

Historically, for WoW, Tuesdays are patch days. If something has to happen outside of Tuesdays, that should be due to an emergency.

Out of curiosity, if Blizzard scheduled down time an hour in advance, would you consider that scheduled? If so, what about 5 minutes? Arbitrary doesn’t fly in IT. There are strict definitions, and they exist for a purpose.


Hotfixes typically do not require downtime. That’s what the “hot” part means.


Was the downtime extended? I thought it was for two hours, now it’s three?

I never said that they should cater to anyone. I pointed out that when talking about timings, PDT is the timezone we should all assume…since that’s where their office is.

Honestly, The banner has been up so often I don’t even read it. Yesterday’s was tomorrow’s today’s banner.

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4, 5, 6, maybe more?

Oh, my bad. I thought hot fixes were adjustments that need to be made outside of the normal patching schedule, like if you have normal patching on Tuesdays, than a patch on Wednesday would be considered a hot fix. I didn’t realize it was reliant on downtime.


Nothing like adding an extra hour onto “scheduled maintenance”… If the game isn’t broken, leave the hot fixes for Tuesday when you actually have SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE.

Lol. I love that. Sounds like something you’d see from parks and rec with Tom on a shirt, that quote under.