"Scheduled Maintenance"

Again it was not planned it’s an emergency and the fact you people can’t grasp that just shows how much covid broke people’s brains.

Doesn’t matter what they said, it’s still not planned it’s an emergency. When my work schedule comes out for the week I know what days I’m working. That’s my schedule now if in the middle of the work week the change my schedule for the next day “that is an emergency”!!! It’s not scheduled.

Again… if you decide to pull emergency maintenance fine!! Things happen but don’t lie to me and say it’s planned!!! It’s not planned. It’s an emergency that is interrupting players planned playing time.

Players planned on playing today and Blizz is doing emergency maintenance. Which sucks because it is ruining our plans. You got to give players 2-3 days time to they can make adjustments to their schedules.


It was more than a few. The leveling gear at around level 70ish was a clear indication about how much people out geared the content at the start. My non upgraded conquest gear was still 60 item levels higher than the first piece of question gear I got. So I am willing to bet a LOT of people were rolling through the early levels.

Ya idk doing it from 7am to 9am is fine especially during the work week.

A little over dramatic aren’t we?

There has literally always been periods during any expansion and again, especially during pre-patch and launch more maintenance happens.

They gave this because the servers were down basically the whole day, not because there was more maintenance than usual.

Or there isn’t.

Or because they gathered data over the early access days that showed things that would be a clear issue. This is my guess because that is how things are usually done.

Yes and no. As of late there has been more, but again I don’t think this is anything more than usual for the start of an expansion. Seems normal. I have been through some pretty rough launches including servers being down for days.

Na. I just factor that into my gametime. If it does, go do chores around the house. If not keep playing. most times its keep playing, but if I plan my day around the possibility of the downtime, then I’m not surprised and have to scramble to find something else to do.

Why would they literally schedule something that, according to you, is not planned? How does covid have anything to do with this at all? You’re not making any sense unfortunately.

When they take time to plan out what day and what time the maintenance is going to be, that literally indicates there’s a plan. When they shut down the servers without notice because something broke in the moment, that’s unplanned or emergency maintenance.

They was indeed posted yesterday. This was communicated in the launcher yesterday. There were threads about this yesterday.

Your definition of something being unplanned is weird.


I saw the scheduled maintenance on the launcher last night. Apparently it wasn’t showing for some people today. But it was there. The launcher does sometimes glitch and not show it.

It was planned, they just did a crap job of letting us know!

this was announced Yesterday been on the launcher.

this was announced Yesterday been on the launcher.

If they announce they’re going to do maintenance the day before, and then maintenance happens (which they did) then it’s scheduled.

Scheduled = Planned in advance.

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People don’t understand anymore what actual emergencies are. They have had their brains broken and conditioned to accept abnormal behavior as normal.

According to everyone by definition it’s not planned. It’s an emergency maitenance. I’m just not willing to be gaslighted. I find the push back interesting and proves my above points.

No what happened was, something was happening that was uninteneded. Blue put out a post yeseterday saying this. Now they have to squeeze in an emergency maintenance today to correct that. Instead of waiting to the planned maintenance times.

This doesn’t make it planned. This has been stated numerous times. Players have planned on playing today days or even weeks in advance and the emergency maintenance is preventing that.

It’s wild that people can’t grasp this or understand what is planned vs emergency.

In no world is 24 hour notice planned. It isn’t. That isn’t how reality works or plans are made. It’s not how works schedules are planned. Nothing works like this. Today’s maintenance is an emergency which is ruining players plans.


You’ve made that part clear. You have come up with your own definition and we love that for you.

You’re the only one arguing this though. Seems like the rest of us understand it was planned but that not everyone saw or received the notice of this scheduled down time.

Like it or not, they scheduled it and planned it out even if you want to call it something different. Again, you do you :wink:

I’m not though lol. You are in the minority here.

You people live wild lives if this is how you let companies and random events treat you. It’s wild you have been conditioned this way. That’s a you thing though. Sorry I won’t be gaslighted into thinking like you.

If work calls me to work tomorrow that’s an emergency because I had already made plans. I wasn’t scheduled. That’s how that works for everyone by definition. They have an emergency and they want to change my plans. Just like Blizz had to do emergency maintenance today interfering with everyones plans.

It was not planned. Saying it was planned is wrong. It’s an emergency maintenance to fix issues that couldn’t wait till planned maintenance. People have every right to be upset because they made plans for today.

I’m not going to debate this with you because you have no interest in reason or facts. Ignored.


Looks like it may be going into it’s 3rd hour of a 1 hour tour…

Im done with you since you refuse to go look at the Blue post from yesterday about this exact thing and why they are doing maintence.

It glitches sometimes.

Nobody said people can’t dislike the maintenance today.

Again, call it whatever you want and whatever makes you happy.

I do not understand how they cannot make the message appear for everyone. Sometimes it works for me sometimes it doesn’t. Blizzard will just say it is our computers or UI needs to be reset outside game.

Their definition of “scheduled maintenance” is “anything up to 1 second before it actually happens!”


When they let you know in advance even if it is 1 day it is scheduled .

No if they don’t let you know and your only indication is

Servers shutting down in 15:00 minutes

That’s unscheduled .

You refuse to understand, the blue post yesterday made it clear they were doing emergency maintenance today. How are you not understanding this. Yall brains are broken. If you really struggle this hard with planned vs emergency.

It’s been posted. Saw it yesterday.