"Scheduled Maintenance"

THIS. I work in IT too and the way blizzard does this is actually terrible.

I work at a hospital. If they have to, people come in at 3 am and get OVERTIME. nobody complains. its great money and not exactly hard.

blizzard is too suckin cheap.


I was complaining yesterday when I saw the announcement for today’s 2 hour maintenance again. Then when I logged in this morning about 4am, It was gone. I was hoping it had gotten removed… But NOPE… Here it is again. Another 2 hour wait. I’m kinda sick of waiting, and Now all of us who actually took the time to do the Pre-Launch for the gear, are getting whacked again, because a few players with High level gear, just breezed thru the expansion on the 3 day early release. And now they are making it a little harder for us to work our way thru the questlines. Geeze… Quit changing things.

Indeed it’s called emergency maintenance. Got my coffee and I’m like servers are down??!!! What the heck

If the scheduled notification isn’t up for at least 2-3 days for me to see it. Then it wasn’t scheduled.


It was on the launcher yesterday, so it was, in fact, scheduled.


This use to happen more than it should back in the day. But All the expansions I mentioned above had more maintenance like this especially during pre-patch and on launch.

Wrong because…

If they decided to do maintenance again tomorrow that isn’t scheduled. That is emergency maintenance. This isn’t complicated.

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The this is the best time of day for them to do maintenance is a farce. Reality this is 1st thing in the morning for them when the most staff and bosses are around to make decisions should something go wrong. People saying paying overtime to have a staffer coming over night, for a global company that should be running IT on all 3 shifts is another farce.

I’ve worked all 3 shifts, and certain people prefer working other shifts. They are justify accommodated for working those shifts with a differential that’s baked into their hourly / salary pay. Just because you (not you) don’t want to work those odd hours doesn’t mean I wouldn’t.

It’s not a boss calling you in, it’s you are calling the boss and telling them they had a major problem. This whole company’s only do things when it’s the least disruptive, but if you look at the hours, they do it, it’s because it’s a Pacific based company so they do it at the start of their workday. No company I have ever worked for did maintenance during the day, they did it at night. But seeing as this is an online game there is no night cycle as someone is playing somewhere at all times.


Mostly correct, but if an issue happens that needs a decision, having a boss to take the heat is usually advisable.

As far as the launcher, it showed last night that it was and when I logged in at 6 am Eastern it still showed it, so I wasn’t surprised by it. I just come to the realization around 10 am Eastern the servers may come down on a daily occurrence.

If they put it on the schedule today for tomorrow, then it’s scheduled

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I didn’t see a notice on my launcher when I started it up either. It’s the first thing that always catches my eye too when I start it up.

Actually Bored is right.

I was in fact there.

Just because if you as you said

That’s a you thing that you set your standards to.

So call the kettle if you will but it was in fact up

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No it’s an emergency because it’s an unplanned maintenance. So they need to fix something that is so bad it requires emergency maintenance OUTSIDE of the scheduled maintenance. This is just common sense people.

No this is a how it works thing for everything in life.

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This wouldn’t bother me so much if I wasn’t a night worker and they kept bringing the servers down for two hours in my 3 hour window of free time in the morning.

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There’s no way for me to prove it as we don’t have records of downtime but I am pretty confident there’s been nowhere near this amount of maintenance for a really long time until recently. It’s been enough to get my attention and wonder if something bad is going on behind the scenes. I also think the fact Blizzard gave sub time as compensation is proof of this but I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

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At this rate I don’t think it matters. Scheduled or not, maintenance is just happening right now.

See you tomorrow Ralph.

Probably for legal reasons.

Or this new thing called a new expansion? :dracthyr_shrug:

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It in fact was planned.

Was announced on main page and was announced on forums by a Blue.

If you didn’t see that, then that’s no one’s fault but you own for not looking before jumping.

Because as the Blue post said, it is going down to nerf leveling after reviewing the information and what not about players being over powered in the EA ,which was now effecting otherthings way too much to the point where non EA players could barely tag anything.

The information was out there, wether you chose to read it or not is on you.

Yeah we all know a new expansion means some downtime. I feel like you aren’t understanding the point that this is even more than usual and has been going on even prior to the expansion release.

I finally get the chance to use the pun conspira-taur for a Tauren player.

In all honesty I don’t think it goes that deep, maybe more maintenance is a good thing, trying to play catch-up with whatever dog water they rushed to begin with. But that’s entirely on them in the first place.