"Scheduled Maintenance"

This is so true. I play on my laptop and/or my desktop and one launcher had the notice and the other didn’t. They really need to work on that.


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me neither. that was the golden age…


I was just laughing at that because I checked a couple hours ago - nothing listed, which surprised me.

Then later on they added ‘scheduled maintenance’. I mean do what ya gotta do Blizz but you ain’t fooling anyone.


The notificiation was in fact up last night with these frames.

There was also a Blue that said as well they are nerfing leveling today.

For some the notification was there an dissapeared for a little bit this morning.


yeah yeah, tell it to the union rep.

I don’t recall there being any either. Maybe they didn’t want to risk anything with how much people paid them for the Epic Edition just so they could have the early access they promised.

I actually don’t remember there being this much maintenance for a long time. I honestly think there’s been more downtime in the past 6 months than in the preceding decade. Something has changed.


Hope you’ll be ok. thought and prayers.


I mean it’s not in the middle of the day lol. It’s literally in the morning. But it’s probably a good idea to do server maintenance when staff is actually there.

They did post this yesterday on the launcher. I’m not sure why they keep pulling it off there and then it looks like there was no advance warning.

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It happened during DF, Shadowlands, BfA, Legion.

Because it doesn’t show up almost all of the time? I checked - AND relaunched the battle.net app and it didn’t say anything about it at all. 2 hours ago.

EDIT: Misread your post. Yea - I dunno why it can’t be on there 100% of the time.

I just canceled my subscription. 2 days in a row people who purchased “retail” are being punished. The “early access” was already annoying but now when I have time to play I yet again have to wait another 2 hours 2 days in a row. I can’t stand to pay for a game then be prevented from playing it. Yet the people who paid for the EPIC edition got days of uninterrupted gameplay.


only the tuesday downtime should be allowed to be called scheduled.

i propose the name “shameful downtime” for every other day.


Only thing that changed majorly with the company was Microsoft’s acquisition of Blizzard Entertainment which completed on October 13th, 2023.

Admittedly since then I’ve never seen this much maintenance, but that could be completely unrelated. There’s nothing I can claim about the two going hand in hand.

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It does that sometimes.

When I logged off yesterday it was on the main screen.

When logged in this morning was gone.

Obviously they having issues this morning.

This isn’t new, won’t be the first time ,won’t be the last time.

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Uh yeah there’s always maintenance. I am talking about how much more there is though. Heck Blizzard even gave me a free 1 day sub as compensation on the launcher lol. Never seen that before. There was a very very long period of time where the game would never be down for more than a brief period on Tuesday and often not even that. Now all of a sudden we have crazy amounts of maintenance downtime. I can’t be the only one who has noticed this.


Nope, just mildly annoying.

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Is it really the choice of words that bothers you? Would you be content with two hours of downtime, if they changed it to unscheduled maintenance?

I totaly get that.

I was speed racing through my last Delve this morning when the timer started. Inched by with 2 minutes to spare.