Scarlett Johannson

I dont know what it says but a worldwide pandemic is why is was delayed then released like that. The option was to release it in 0 theaters last year or some this year.

Disney said she was paid for the D+ streaming and has received an excess of $20 million in compensation so far. Of course they also pulled the COVID19 card, so who knows.

Edit: Also it is not on Disney+, it is on Disney+ Premier for $30. I was all excited reading this to go watch it, but I will wait till it is on my normal D+ sub.

God I love Rachel Weisz. Such a cool actress.


Posting in a Scarlett Johansson thread.

Pretty much. I heard the movie sucked anyway.

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Poor narrative, plot holes, poor jokes, hating men for wokeness, gender swapping taskmaster because, etc, etc, etc.

At best the movies just meh.

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Scarlett looked bored af playing BW. I could already tell the movie would be garbage. The Suicide Squad will blow over it anyway which is currently 98% at RT, very rare for a DC movie.

Disney and Marvel deserve each other. They both underpay talent.

LOL what? They did another one?

This is a WoW discussion forum…

She’s always mad about something.

They did!


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Well the contract said she’d get box office payment when disney swerved and released it online as well. So she is losing a decent chunk of money


The second one is directed by James Gunn and looks pretty fun.

Nobody defeats Disney.

Having Stallone be King Shark is perfect.

My fav King Shark is from the Harley Quinn cartoon. But I like this version too

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Yeah and it is getting decent reviews so far. A fun, funny, and violent is what I have read.

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Im not shocked. Id say why but censorship hates facts.

Forgive me if I have a hard time drumming up sympathy for something getting paid only like 30 million instead of 50 million (assuming the movie would’ve been THAT much more successful if in theatre only). She sure must be struggling.

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Yes, and thankfully they left Will Smith out of this one.

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