Okay, it’s been a crazy week. Let’s talk about something different, something new topic.
Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney due to a contract. How shocking!
Okay, it’s been a crazy week. Let’s talk about something different, something new topic.
Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney due to a contract. How shocking!
I thought she was an assassin can’t she just kill them all?
it will just settle out of court, its a pretty clear cut contract breach.
I mean i would too if u break my contract to make more profit on my back while stealing for me
Yea… this isn’t really drama. Just Scarlett going through the necessary steps to receive her full paycheck. Disney will settle because they know they owe her.
I’m sure she’ll win. Disney played a dirty tactic, surely they can afford to pay her. However, I wonder if anyone felt she’s a gold digger…?
What actually happened
Why would she be a gold digger? Her contract was based on the box office and Disney screwed the box office by releasing BW on D+. BW would’ve easily been a billion dollar movie, meeting the contractual criteria for her to receive her full pay.
Not really. I mean if u only tell me u gonna do 1 sell and them lie behind my back to make profit elsewhere without paying me its not gold digging and call paying your due
Disney released Black Widow on Disney+ as well as theaters even tho her contract said it would be theatrical release, with her payment partly based on box office returns.
I don’t think you know what this means
Basically, it’s all about money. You can look it up if you want, I don’t think I have the trust level.
put really simply, she was contracted to receive a certain % of box office, however since Disney released it on D+ the box office hit was significant, it wasnt supposed to drop on D+ and was supposed to be a cinema exclusive release.
I suppose they are trying to recoup cause lots of cinemas are closed across the world,
They advocate for the very thing that is destroying them anyway. Who cares.
Disney is being Disney, being greedy.
Yeah don’t mean to be rude but don’t start a thread and be vague and tell people to google it… lol
shes smart she doesnt have any social media
I read her lawyers tried to settle before they filed the lawsuit though.