Scarlet Crusade Horde Reconnections

a while back, I was Caeljin of The Darkspear.

you know, Darkspear never die.


Heard Hakkar still needs concussive shotting in the face.

Kerg! Happy to see a familiar face. I played in Forsaken Brotherhood back in the day, Orc Hunter named ‘Killarb’. I know Kharus must be lurking around still :slight_smile:

Sent you a discord request - Pointblank#8288


Sabbath here! I was also in Foxtrot

Nice walk through The Drag (aka Horde memory lane) here. :slight_smile: Very many Ag’s of the Storm Wolves (and at least one Darkspear!) here, and I’ll be an Ag on the Bloodsail Buccaneers server as well looks like. Hello to old friends.



Hi Ag! Tean here =] hope all is well. I will definitly make a character there too and hopefully some more folks will see this! will you be horde or alliance?


Anyone wanting to reconnect - Retabu, troll rogue is on Grobbulus - come say hello

I’m off to Mankrik, my RP days are behind me for now sadly. Nice seeing many faces from my days with , that guild was a great home for RP. Good luck and lots of fun to everyone, if I end up on on either RP servers I’ll be sure to go say hi to all those who knew and remembers me.

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I definitely remember Yaka and Tamanaka from our campfire WSG stories outside the zone in and a bunch of the guys from Amici (Tony, you around?) which I think became Ascent?

I played Nanct the troll shaman and then Ukk the orc warrior (with the first Horde Sulfuras!) What a great community we had back then.

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Arateia, Undead Warlock
I don’t remember guild names. Just remember weekend raids and a chat channel called “Toast”, I think.

Miss my friends Murderess, undead priest and Rosefix, an undead warrior.

I remember your name. I think I used to raid with you.


Hi, Nanct! Great times in WSG. We dominated those 40’s and 50’s brackets. Happy to see another familiar name :slight_smile:

I was, and still am, Niamh, blood elf frost mage, on Scarlet Crusade. I was in a few guilds but eventually started my own: Pog Mo Thon I. I will be playing Classic as Niamh on Bloodsail. I was/am Skyerunner for the Alliance and will be on Classic as Skyerunner on Bloodsail.

Hello, Mallik Orc Warrior Here. Was in The Green Crusade but spent most of my life in the BG’s back then. My cousin Mordius and I will be playing again for classic. Hopefully see some of you out there. Soner, Nelfrox’ XDO clan hopefully you guys are out there still enjoying games =)

Undead Warrior

I played in a small guild called Templar Knights just before BC, and was offtank in a guild called Twisted Fate after that. I will be in Classic with some IRL friends, just curious if anyone else was floating around. I hope everyone is well!

Used to go by Varguna Wayyyyy back in the day. Lets see who remembers.

Hi Skyerunner, I haven’t seen you for a long time!

I’ll be on Bloodsail, as Palv something or other, I don’t remember the exact name. Orc hunter, of course. I haven’t saved an alliance character yet. I also rolled one on Mankrik (another Palv___ orc hunter). I hope to see you around!


Hi Yaka! Nice to see you around.

I remember you. Didn’t we used to raid together? I forget which guild it was.

Blood Elf