Scarlet Crusade Horde Reconnections

Trajanmar - Undead Warrior
Crainik - Undead Warlock

Guilds I was in were Circle of Chaos, The Murder of Crows, Archaic, and Shenanigans…Already rolled up on Bloodsail RP realm…Hope to find some old friends.

Hi Palv!

Great to hear from you and look forward to seeing you!

Hope all is well and good with you.

Hi Palv! Always nice to see my fellow fem-orc High Warlord.


Undead Warlock… this toon in fact.

Tauren Druid

Honestly, I’m surprised to. I didn’t have much hope for a response.
Good to hear from you.

I remember you as well, we raided together for a bit in Early/Mid BC I believe! Also did a bunch of dungeons and various other activities!

Narcrociss! HUG! and to your better half too.

Anyone hear from Blacklite & Zeekie? They were a couple, hunter & druid. Really great people.

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Retabu!! Hugs to you too!

Yaka :slight_smile: So many great ABs with you, Russell and Casshiek

looking for Casshiek, Taurela/Navigator, Toro, Ravenwhite, Iscariot, Twine, Neikan, any of the XdO crew from the BWL and HWL days.

Granted I was on the otherside, but i remember many a great fight, and many a great steam roll from the likes of Yaka and her gang. Anyone know where Doomhoof ran off to?

Opossom- hunter
Possom- warrior
Maloo- Shaman
Dark Blood
The Green Crusade
I will be playing classic.
Known friends Ozekiel many PVP 1pm sundays,
Polls, Bearl, Tac, Sheni, Hooka, Doomhoof, Ulthrakk PVP with Ozekiel on Sundays, and many other who i hope read this.
Opossom hunter, in MT Hyjal known for Killing all the add.
Good time PvP with Ozekiel, days gone by i would like to have back.
Hit me up. I still play still on same toons, same names.

Nice to see you again!

Carkend - Undead Mage
Brielthis - Night Elf

I’m just waiting to see if more people from XdO pop up.

Like, Suncobra. (Thanks for pulling those dragons on alliance, freaking spectacular!)

Hey Medawky, long, long time no speak. I want to thank you and Russell for helping me back in my early days, you guys helped me learn so much and I had a blast playing with you guys!

I hope all has been well with you. Zorashi and I plan on playing classic, looking like we are going to be on Mankrik, possibly Bloodsail.

What are your plans? Glad to see you around - it made my night!

Anyone know what happened to and whether we might see any of the following in Classic - I know I’ve forgotten quite a few names.


Thanks and cheers,
Niamh (Horde)/Skyerunner (Alliance)

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I played Veann here at the time, and this was the server that really got me into the roleplaying aspect of MMOs. It’d be fun to see where the old group from the Storm Wolves and the guild after that (Something Dawn?) went to.

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I remember you, I also lived in warsong in early pvp days and you always locked down the flag room. I was Mordius - Arms warrior.